I've been trying to write something with my thoughts about COVID-19 safety policies (mainly inspired by the the debates I witnessed around the policies for fan conventions I'm attending this year, but applicable more broadly) but it always just feels like a disjointed collection of thoughts on disparate issues.
>"I've been trying to write something with my thoughts about COVID-19 safety policies ..."
Here’s one possible approach:
1. Determine the risk. (a weighted assessment based on probability and consequences)
2. Determine if mitigation is necessary.
(If the risk is above ordinary ambient levels – i.e., if the threat raises overall risk above normal risk level – then mitigation is called for.)
3. Determine the possible mitigation techniques and their costs. (all costs, not just $)
4. Apply/suggest the most efficient mitigation techniques to reduce the risk below ambient levels.
Tip: Use science to make assessments about risk and mitigation, don’t go by what the media or politicians or “experts” say. Read the actual published research and evaluate the credibility of the studies for yourself. It’s a lot work, but if don’t do it, your recommendations will likely be flawed, especially with this particular topic.