Oh yeah, just received the new #LibreVNA and checked it out really quickly. Nice device, nice software. Maybe, if I find the time, there'll be a blog post about it.
#OpenHardware #RF
After watching someone doing a VNA calibration really wrong, would anybody be interested in a blog post about VNA calibrations? (No promises though 😏 ) #electromagnetic #rf #hamradio #amateurradio
I'd love to find people who share their work in stuff like:
* #RF/#microwave
* #electromagnetic computer simulation
* #embedded programming
Hi everyone! I am #RF #engineer by training, #european #federalist and #socialist (if you're scared now, you can say #progressive or social democrat) by conviction, #cycling to work (now working at GSI) and trying to stay sane with two kids in the Germany. I speak German, English and French, so I'll be more than happy to connect in any of these languages.
I am blogging occasionally about mostly irrelevant small things that bug me and may me #Linux-, #Python- or #electromagnitics-related under https://bowfinger.de/blog
#introduction #neuhier
European, federalist @jef_europe, @jef_de, @jef_hessen, social democrat @spdde, RF engineer @ GSI, cyclist, antifa.
Born CO2 346.35 ppm.