'It’s this kind of libertarianism—the you-do-you ethos of American culture that sees the “public” in public health as anathema, clinging to a medical model of private risk and private cures—that dropped us down to the 40s in global life expectancy rankings before the pandemic, and will land us below the 60s by 2040. “Give me liberty and give me death” is the reigning mantra of America today.'
The healthcare industry in the US is perhaps the most regulated industry in the country, so yeah, pretty much the opposite of libertarian.
(Not that a free-market system would work either.)
@cyrilpedia @gregggonsalves So many levels of wrong and phallacies. The attack on the organization of societies to respond in an organized manner to disease is an attack to societies themselves and democracies. It is easy to see the end-game: rule by strength, disease and misery being pumped up (while shouting about personal liberty).