'All that is (at least to me) a rather startling variety of bacteria in such tissues, and I think the authors probably felt so, too. Further work on protein markers of inflammation, immune function, and tumor progression strongly suggested that these bacteria were mostly found in highly immunosuppressed microniche environments. It appears, for example, that T cells are largely excluded from regions with high bacterial colonization.'
- Derek Lowe
#Immunology #CancerImmunity #Microbiology
@martinho_lab Literally the next sentences in the piece raise some interesting possibilities in this respect, Rui.
@cyrilpedia absolutely - this is really interesting! But might be just an opportunistic behavior of bacteria/virus/fungi with a minor effect in tumor growth... is there any direct experiment where causality in tumor growth is directly addressed? That is what I am looking for... pretty sure I am missing something, sorry :) (actually: this makes me wonder what is going on with healthy developing tissues...)
@cyrilpedia maybe i missing something but beyond being there (possibly because the immuno system is locally impaired) what are the evidences that they facilitate tumor development?