'O medo é um sentimento monopolista: quando temos medo, não conseguimos pensar em mais nada. E foi no excitar do medo através de um meio de comunicação de massas que os fascistas se tornaram diabolicamente eficazes.'
Phage v Phage
'Birkholz et al. have discovered that a mobile intron containing a homing endonuclease found within a viral RNA polymerase gene in one bacteriophage blocks productive infection by a related and competing coinfecting bacteriophage.'
#IDMastodon this study set out to find sensory impairments due to a former #SarsCoV2 infection that could be verified with standardized sensory tests, as well as to establish links between these sensory impairments and gene expression changes in the foliate papillae area of the tongue. A high #SarsCoV2 IgG titer was accompanied by disorders in metallic iron gluconate perception post infection.
'Even without exposure to antigens, some CARs increase proliferation and nutrient uptake in T cells. Using stable isotope tracers and mass spectrometry, we observed basal metabolic fluxes through glycolysis doubling and amino acid uptake overtaking anaplerosis in CAR-T cells harbouring a rituximab scFv, unlike other similar anti-CD20 scFvs.'
#Immunology #Immunotherapy #CARTcells
'Depuis le coup de tonnerre de la dissolution, le monde de la recherche a multiplié les prises de position publiques pour dénoncer les périls qui accompagneraient l’arrivée au pouvoir du Rassemblement national (RN). Avant même le premier tour des législatives, cinq Prix Nobel français, associés à de nombreux chercheurs, soulignaient, le 25 juin, dans une tribune au Monde, que cela constituerait « une menace grave et immédiate pour la recherche et l’enseignement supérieur en France », du fait de « positions xénophobes et nationalistes » qui « isoleraient la France de la communauté scientifique internationale ». Le Collège de France, l’Académie des sciences et d’autres institutions scientifiques ont, depuis, fait état de leurs inquiétudes.'
'Stimulator of IFN genes (STING) is a critical component of the innate immune system, playing an essential role in defending against DNA virus infections. However, the mechanisms governing basal STING regulation remain poorly understood. In this study, we demonstrate that the basal level of STING is critically maintained by hypoxia-inducible factor 1 (HIF-1)α through transcription.'
#Immunology #InnateImmunity
'Protein synthesis and decay rates must be tightly coordinated to ensure proteome homeostasis. How this coordination is established is unknown. Here we use quantitative live cell imaging combined with computational inference to determine how changes in global protein synthesis rates alter protein decay rates'
Thanks to Professor Naomi Ekas, here's another example of a very fast hippo trotting in the wild-- recorded on June 18 at 11:18 am (Central Serengeti, Tanzania). Check out how long it goes for, over dry ground and then, hoo boy, watch that finish! Amazing. (used w/permission)
Influenza A defective viral genome production is altered by metabolites, metabolic signaling molecules, and cyanobacteria extracts https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2024.07.04.602134v1?med=mas
Early-life Microbiome-Derived HCA Enhances Type 3 Immunity via FXR-dependent m6A RNA methylation https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2024.07.04.602137v1?med=mas
Dissecting cell-free DNA fragmentation variation in tumors using cell line-derived xenograft mouse https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2024.07.03.601978v1?med=mas
Keep your eyes on baby pygmy hippo at start of this video (adult does a nice trot, in addition). This gait isn't ever seen in the larger common hippo. Which, as we note in our paper, raises awesome evolutionary biomechanics questions. Follow-up studies! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nmsZwwWYJkE
'Para que isso aconteça, o exemplo da Frente Popular original é ainda o melhor guia. É o foco no bem-estar das pessoas, na qualidade de vida e na capacidade de os empregados e trabalhadores terem rendimento suficiente para terem uma vida digna e confortável que terão de estar os objetivos que permitirão afastar a França do abismo de um colapso do Estado de direito, da democracia e dos direitos fundamentais.'
'Stanford, the SIO’s institutional home, denies that it is dismantling the unit and loudly proclaims its commitment to independent research. On the other hand, according to DiResta, the university has run up “huge legal bills” defending SIO researchers from harassment by Republican politicians and conservative conspiracy theorists, and may have decided that enough is enough.'
Natural variation in starvation sensitivity maps to a point mutation in phospholipase IPLA2-VIA in Drosophila melanogaster https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2024.07.05.602254v1?med=mas
'It’s been clear for some time what went wrong, but almost none of those issues have been fixed. That means that the next desperately needed vaccine stands every chance of running into those same problems.'
CBP/p300 lysine acetyltransferases inhibit HIV-1 expression in latently infected T-cells https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2024.07.05.602286v1?med=mas
'Como ex-bolseiros de investigação e técnicos superiores doutorados na FCT, consideramos que o papel da fundação necessita ser repensado, superando o paradigma a que se tem remetido, enquanto mera agência de financiamento, abrindo-se à comunidade científica, tornando-se uma verdadeira casa dos investigadores, e convocando para si um papel de charneira, como plataforma de permanente diálogo entre a administração e a investigação, ao serviço de todos.'
Phage v Phage
'Birkholz et al. have discovered that a mobile intron containing a homing endonuclease found within a viral RNA polymerase gene in one bacteriophage blocks productive infection by a related and competing coinfecting bacteriophage.'
Meticulous lines, vibrant hues - Theodor de Bry's 1596 'Krokodil in de regen' #Rijksmuseum intricately captures life's fleeting beauty. Despite, or due to, its surreality, does it not stir serenity in us all?
#Art #TheodorDeBry #Rij
I've worked on all of science, from B cells to T cells.