@arendleejessurun @alice @protonprivacy
Ooops I think antisociopath is more a oxymoron :D
@arendleejessurun @alice @protonprivacy
"those internet tech bros" is a term which needs more detail specification. I can not believe every guy who is successful in that manner is also a stupid antisociopath. There must be another reason like a lack of empathy or #smalldickenergy
@alice Tuta is catching up in features, going beyond email to cloud storage, etc. @Doomstrike @protonprivacy
@watson_news «Wer glaubt, einem der mächtigsten Männer weltweit noch eine weitere Plattform im eigenen Blättchen geben zu müssen, hat Meinungsvielfalt mit Stiefellecken verwechselt.»
What is unlocked with this key stroke combination?
Wirecard: 1,9 Milliarden Lügen: Wirecard: 1,9 Milliarden Lügen (Staffel 1, Trailer)
Webseite der Episode: https://www.sz.de/podcast
Mediendatei: https://traffic.megaphone.fm/GLT9049944183.mp3?updated=1654248710
@spoltier Thanks for the Brazeal link, what a gifted artist.
In the meantime i found out about the "Database of Databases" but nothing about cool databases.
Are there any cool databases out there?
@spoltier Thanks for the Brazeal link, what a gifted artist.
In the meantime i found out about the "Database of Databases" but nothing about cool databases.
Are there any cool databases out there?
European Commission: "Today, we have opened formal p…" - European Commission on Mastodon
Reading "interesting times" too often recently.
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