The Map of Notable People
"Using data from Morgane Laouenan et al., the map is showing birthplaces of the most "notable people" around the world. Data has been processed to show only one person for each unique geographic location with the highest notability rank. "
Quite interesting, but I found an errata: "Jorg Haider" is not from Salzburg. However, he is and was not really important.
LMGTFY: windows taskbar show seconds in clock
To do this, open the Windows Settings and go to Personalization > Taskbar. Click on “Taskbar behavior,” scroll down, and check the box next to “Show seconds in taskbar clock (consumes more power).”
(consumes more power) (consumes more power) (consumes more power) (consumes more power) (consumes more power)
So confusion maxxed out.
German wikipedia says, Ursa Major consists of 7 stars in the end with Polaris and looks like that [image 1]
On the other hand: English wikipedia and Stellarium says this exact same form is the small bear aka Ursa Minor.
Any ideas?