Pipe Viewer 1.8.14 is released today - https://www.ivarch.com/programs/pv.shtml
Pipe Viewer - pv - is a terminal-based tool for monitoring the progress of data through a Unix pipeline. It can be inserted into any normal pipeline between two processes to give a visual indication of how quickly data is passing through, how long it has taken, how near to completion it is, and an estimate of how long it will be until completion.
This release corrects a "double-free" error on exit when using the "--watchfd" mode.
PV uses the resources of the @Codeberg platform for free software development.
How to load your config?
There is, on the one hand, the basic approach of having an .env file in your environment, where stuff like db connection keys are loaded.
On the other hand of the complexity line is having a config server that provides your config vars through an api.
Both ends are not the solution I am seeking, so is there a possible middle way for dev/test/prod environments to load?
#ask #devlife #software #development #engineering #devops #nodejs #ops
Just came across https://www.cookiestatus.com/ via a vendor doc. Pretty nice summary of popular web browsers and their cookie features/support WRT tracking prevention, privacy etc.
@rahmstorf Super Kommentar!
Auch wieder mal den Hinweis zu lesen, den ich auch so gerne in Diskussionen über Wallboxen und Langsamladen bringe, tut gut:
"Jeder der 45 Millionen PKW fährt dabei im Durchschnitt gerade einmal 39 Kilometer am Tag. Das macht also 7 Kilowattstunden, wenn Sie elektrisch fahren."
7kWh bei einer Standzeit von ca. 2/3 des Tages schafft man an jeder Steckdose.
Wobei selbst hier die 18kWh/100km für den durchschnittlichen (innerstädtischen) Pendelweg hoch angenommen ist.
Want a phone that doesn't spy on you? Meet Librem 5. Open-source, secure, and built to protect your privacy. No tracking, no data mining - just pure digital freedom in your hands. #Librem5 #PrivacyMatters
"You don't have to know anything about Telegram or its founder. Just look at who's mad and you know France got the right guy."
Do I have a password manager on my phone? No I use #kdeconnect to send them from notebook to #android phone.
Is this stupid? I don't think so. But I'm open for suggestions.
So who is the owner of that platform? So much forcing the user (me) to link my profile to #linkedIn and #github. Feels like #Microsoft is behind that ...
(redirected from https://www.linuxfoundation.org)
"Your TV set has become a digital billboard. And it’s only getting worse":
The registration to the SOSS Community Day Europe 2024 is a long and unprivate way.
This IoT device has a link to their jobs landing page written out on the PCB. Up until today I didn't understand why they had chosen that specific location.
I get it now. Glitching was high on your threat analysis. That's a pretty intriguing way of trying to stop it actually.
(System bootloader only possible to get to with that IC seeing the "right" voltage levels)
Unpopular opinion: the only rule for having a Wikipedia page about a topic should be : "Would someone in the world ever look for information about this topic on Wikipedia?"
The reason why some zealots try to remove "non-notable enough" pages is because they think it is a badge of honor to be on Wikipedia.
The reason why it is a badge of honor is because some zealots spend their time removing pages considered "non-notable enough".
go to the cloud they said
itll be fine they said
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