Sie blockieren täglich sinnlos den Verkehr: Kommen jetzt Haftstrafen für Pendler?
Brandgefährliche Boomer
@fdroidorg thank u fdroid, very cool. I love you
@fdroidorg To be a little more specific. Non-free (aka proprietary, aka the opposite of free and open source) software is not allowed on the official reposiory. Most trackers are non-free. That's why they violate our policies and have to be removed, or they would prevent and app from being published. FOSS trackers are allowed, but will be tagged with the tracking anti-feature warning. However, those seem to be rather rare.
On Google Play many FOSS apps contain non-free trackers. That often enough prevents apps from getting into official repo. So may apps provide a build flavor without non-free dependencies for F-Droid.
Did you know that #FDroid isn't only informing you about #tracking with anti-feature warnings, but also removes trackers from apps? #FDroidUserSurvey
An interesting headline, probably a good read for bedtime:
The Slow Death of Surveillance Capitalism Has Begun
A European Union ruling against Meta marks the beginning of the end of targeted ads.
Here is a youtube link example, which BoschBot posted right now:
Hieronymus Bosch Butt Music
If you use #youtube in that same browser (profile) you know what happens to your stepmom.
So, where does the ID-ing happen when using #mastodon? Linked content providers get your #metadata to build up shadow profiles. Meaning, the profile building is still ongoing, but less reliable for being sold to advertisers, isurances, banks, political players. #CamebridgeAnalytica
For example, have you ever searched for #darkPsyPorn on #twitter or #youtube?
Think about the recommendations, your stepmom will see the day after, when she is #shouldersurfing again.
Since using a #social network without #corporate #surveillance (#mastodon), I allow myself to search for unusual terms.