Every time I try to experiment with another #ai
"Billing hard limit has been reached Please note that this message is coming from OpenAI and it is not related to our plugin. It means that you do not have enough credit from OpenAI. You can check your usage here: https://platform.openai.com/account/usage"
Was ist die #speckgürtelförderung
Updated version of my #gitea profile picture. I hope this improves my performance. But which performance???
Was Demokraten so wollen.
Wie das wohl erst unter den Faschisten wird?
To state the obvious:
You do not have a use case for a screen saver? Then do not use it.
Did you know that #XScreenSaver (yes, the collection of screensavers for X11) is available on Android?
And that #Google requires it to have a privacy policy in order to be available in the Play Store?
And that the maintainer chose to crowd-source a privacy policy where every item starts with "Unlike Google"?
It's become a great list of all the privacy violations Google did and still does. And I thought that it's gonna be long, but it's even longer than I imagined.
Found this on my phone, no idea where it came from but it is sad and funny at the same time.
It's a #mindmap-like diagram from 111 days usage of #tinder with 17k swipes and 12.... <click here to find out #clickbait> 😃
If you’re worried that getting rid of capitalism would be too disruptive to people’s lives, just wait until you hear about capitalism and how disruptive it is to people’s lives.
NEU IM BLOG: Das Kautzner Computer Museum – Spielkultur für Groß und Klein
"Weil es schade wäre, wenn die Geräte niemand zu Gesicht bekommen würde, habe ich 2020 beschlossen meine Sammlung öffentlich zugänglich zu machen."
Link: https://www.videospielgeschichten.de/das-kautzner-computer-museum-spielkultur-fuer-gross-und-klein/
#KautznerComputerMuseum #Ausstellung #Kautzen #Museum #Österreich #Retro #Retrocomputing #Retrogaming #Sammler #Sammlung
#PaulNewman is the new #SamAltman
Frau Schilling is the new Sam Altman. In the perspective of #trust and being a #team player.
"The First Law of Software Complexity: A well-designed system will degrade into a badly designed system over time." https://maheshba.bitbucket.io/blog/2024/05/08/2024-ThreeLaws.html
This is even valid for my spare time projects 🙃
Warum die meisten Mobilespielen seelenlose Zombies sind.
Was mit kulturellen Inhalten passiert, wenn wir die falschen Monetarisierungsmodelle wählen.
Und wo wir ansetzen müssen, um das zu ändern.
Hier reinschauen:
What happened to https://www.utf8icons.com/ #utf8 #icons