Twitter has had a massive drop in revenue, due to activist groups pressuring advertisers, even though nothing has changed with content moderation and we did everything we could to appease the activists.
Extremely messed up! They’re trying to destroy free speech in America.
If Twitter is the terraforming megacorp now, are we then a solarpunk federation?
#fediverse #www #web5 #mastodon #twitter #twexit #twittermigration #scifi #DALLE2
Is political clash still possible in the fediverse?
#fediverse #clash #discuss #flamewars #debate #disputethis #lanz #hartaberfair #block #blocking #blocklist #DALLE2
@SteveCooke I was just talking with @aurynn yesterday about how yes, there's an entire CHUNK of the fediverse that's flooded with horrible people, even though a lot of folks keep accusing the fediverse of being strictly left-leaning.
But they're not whining about the "left-leaning" thing because they can't have their own spaces. They're whining because they feel entitled to impose their horribleness on other people. They're whining because they want their actions to have no consequences.
Anyway yes I love that hexagons can just exist OVER THERE, where they're not my problem anymore lol
Auf jeden Fall @scalzi , dann @nalohopkinson und auch @clarkesworld
Dear #mastoadmin folks, is there good documentation what `tootctl cache clean` does?
I’m regularly running the cleanup of old media and preview_cards and am wondering whether I should do the same with `cache clean` or whether that's harmful.
Looking through the scrollama documentation, and found this classic by The Pudding...on pockets, an dhow women are cheated out of functional pockets.
One of my favorite visualizations, and an issue I struggle with myself.
@janboehm ich komme einfach nicht drauf klar, das DER Jan Böhmermann hier auf seine Tröts nur eine niedrige zweistellige Zahl an likes bekommt :D
Wir sind hier wirklich noch zu Indie
Twitter, Kündigung
Die Mitarbeiter von Twitter erfahren heute per E-Mail, ob sie weiterhin Arbeit haben. Die Mail werde mit dem Betreff "Ihre Rolle bei Twitter" versehen sein, kündigte das Unternehmen in einer von mehreren US-Medien veröffentlichten Rundmaiil an. Wer bleibt, bekommt die Mail an die Firmenadresse, wer arbeitslos wird, an eine private Mailadresse.
Die Twitter-Büros werden heute geschlossen bleiben und alle Zugangskarten deaktiviert sein.
Do you know any elderly female stars? Have we banned them from publicity by paying them pensions and ageism?
#popculture #music #fediplay #fedimusic #public #pension #elderly #ageism #DALLE2
Wieso hört diesem sinnlosen Gequatsche überhaupt noch irgendwer zu? Zu sagen das wäre auf Kindergartenniveau wäre eine Beleidigung aller Kindergärten.
Most toots in German.
#autodidact #Studying: @fedieltern, #mandarin, @soziologie
🫧: #luhmann #feditipps #trading #verwechselt #politik #dataviz #sankey #pixelart #botany #buchtipp #brettspiele #powermetal #followerpower #til #fyi #cmv #debate #python #nix