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@molly0xfff “Measuring programming progress by lines of code is like measuring aircraft building progress by weight.”

Amazon is trying to subliminally convince us to burn down the rainforest, with
product names like "Amazon Kindle" and "Amazon Fire"
-bge, Jun 2014

people getting worried about activity dying down and the timeline going silent after an initial upsurge, while I'm just here like: well, i yelled into the void elsewhere for so many years without any qualms; i can yell into the void here as well.

you'll see me around

Time to see how many of y'all have sane aesthetic tastes. 😉

Someone just came to me with an idea and I kinda like it and are willing to do it but I want your opinion first! :fediverse:

Many people are following the 'famous' from Twitter to Mastodon but are having a hard time finding them..

I just bought the domain '' and I could setup and invite only instance for more 'high profile' people so to say so everyone can more easily find them?

Before I proceed I like your input❤️

1x Fahren ohne Fahrschein = 60€
2x = 60+
3x = Anzeige
4x = Bewährungsstrafe
5x = Gefängnis

1x Parken ohne Parkschein = 20€
2x = 20€
3x = 20€
4x = 20€
5x = 20€
6x = 20€
7x = 20€
8x = 20€

Ich habe durchaus ein wenig Angst um die ein oder andere Fedi-Instanz. Themen wie Impressumspflichten, Urheberrecht, Strafverfolgung, Datenschutzmanagement und Abmahnindustrie lösen sich nicht von selbst.

Bräuchte es vllt eine freiwillige Fedi-Genossenschaft für „zentrale Dienste“ oder einen zentralen Fond, der bei Bedarf externe Hilfe organisiert und bezahlt?
So schön Dezentralität auch ist, nicht jede Instanz wird sich ne Rechtsabteilung leisten können.
Admins sollten damit nicht allein sein.

27. Oktober bis 5. November 2022, aber auch sonst ständig - Diese Welt ist so schlecht eingerichtet für Unorganisierte und Vergessliche

@janboehm (himself employed in the public service broadcast) scandalizes the public service broadcast itself.

Hey new people and those thinking of joining, you do NOT need to sign up on huge servers!

You can follow and interact with people on any server from any server, the servers are connected.

It would really, really help the network right now if you could sign up on medium or small size servers. You will still be able to follow and interact with whoever you want, and the network as a whole will work much better.

A good safe place for beginners to find servers to join is

So it seems that Elon Musk really *does* know how to grow a social media platform, just not the one he spent billions on.

Animated gifs are bringing us back to an era of silent comedy.
-ForenameSurname, Jul 2015
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