has once again caught up with real-time. I haven't received the new machine for the database yet (seems like the technical issues unfortunately overlapped with some bank holidays; hopefully tomorrow) but I managed to find a way to optimize some code that seems to have helped. Thank you for being patient, and again, I'm really sorry you couldn't experience Mastodon at its best the past few days on here.
Wahl in Israel: Benjamin Netanyahu Likud laut Hochrechnungen vorne
Birthday card from Nanny Ogg
““Nanny Ogg was sitting in a chair by the fire with a quart mug in one hand and was conducting the reprise with a cigar. She grinned when she saw Granny’s face.
“What ho, my old boiler,” she screeched above the din. “See you turned up, then. Have a drink. Have two. Wotcher, Magrat. Pull up a chair and call the cat a bastard.””
Inside it
„International trade with Russia boomed this year, even as countries imposed sanctions after the Ukraine invasion. As restrictions take effect, Moscow’s alliances have been shifting.”
You will also get:
- Priority in replies, mentions & search, which is essential to defeat spam/scam
- Ability to post long video & audio
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Endlich die Seite gefunden wo man Mastodon gGmbH unterstützen kann. Tarife sind 1,50€, 11€ und 21,50€ jeweils pro Monat.
Mass Media und Social Media #verwechselt.
@immersender @bjoernkrey Mehr in #hashtag zu denken und weniger in #timeline finde ich ganz schön anspruchsvoll. Man kann dann ja weniger durch die Timeline scrollen und einfach mal schauen, was die Leute gerade so bewegt. Stattdessen muss man hashtags absurfen - und damit vorher wissen, zu welchen Themen man was lesen will.
Rich people are more likely to behave unethically. [Study:]
#Fedilab 3.5.3 has been published in beta.
What's new:
- Edit messages (if your instance supports that feature)
- Some fixes
Astronomie und Astrologie wird anders #verwechselt als Ökonomie und Ökologie.
Most toots in German.
#autodidact #Studying: @fedieltern, #mandarin, @soziologie
🫧: #luhmann #feditipps #trading #verwechselt #politik #dataviz #sankey #pixelart #botany #buchtipp #brettspiele #powermetal #followerpower #til #fyi #cmv #debate #python #nix