Klimt’s “Portrait of Adele Bloch-Bauer I” is astounding up close, at Neue Galerie in NY. But I can’t stop seeing cells migrating in the ventricular zone looking at her dress!
Cajal won the Nobel Prize in 1906 and Klimt finished the painting in 1907. What I see as cells are usually interpreted as eyes, but might Klimt have been influenced by Cajal’s drawings? Or even the other way around?
HIGHLY relevant for #aiethics:
"The Commonwealth's representation that their breath test unassailably proved their impairment worked to erode their own confidence in their innocence," Erkan wrote, "causing people to plead guilty not because they were guilty, but because a machine said they were guilty."
@lupyuen @tonic I don’t know if you saw this thread in which I tried to be helpful by asking it a question for someone, only to find the v plausible answers it generates are wrong and made up causing me to mislead the poor fellow! https://qoto.org/@doctorsdilemma/109461659349654372
'In one such work, the 1873 A Guide to World Customs, author Nakagane Masahira and his Tokyo publisher included an illustration of Newton’s discovery of gravity after he saw an apple fall from a tree. But, what was an apple, anyway? No such fruit was for sale in Tokyo. The publisher obviously thought it would be easier to replace the unknown foreign fruit with something more familiar, such as a Japanese plum.'
The return of expertsexchange?
(Context for the peanut gallery: this horribly chosen domain name was an attempt to create a Quora or StackExchange type system which required paid memberships... but the answers turned out to be not much better than modern AI generated text, and they spammed search results like crazy.)
@andywood @davidallengreen shame although interesting trying to understand how this particular AI works. There is this book that I remember the cover illustration of and was first published in 1912 https://www.amazon.com/Christmas-Customs-Traditions-Clement-Miles/dp/0486233545/ref=asc_df_0486233545/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=316966985685&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=11420980972656485949&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=1018321&hvtargid=pla-562648381359&psc=1
@davidallengreen might be “Michaelmas to Candlemas: A Book of Seasonal Stories" by June Melser. Published 1979 if so it’s thanks to open.ai I cut and pasted your question
Boston industrial heritage along the Charles river seen whilst on my morning run attending the #NECOEM conference #occmed #occenvmed
At NECOEM in Boston presenting our work on e-poster. We’ve coded ~1 million text job titles automatically with an AI algorithm to help Canadian research into #cancer and #health for the #CANpath project
This work used a natural language processing algorithm and we now have a #ML version which is faster and more accurate #occmed #occenvmed
@syoutono it’s ok because they say “Data Availability
Data sharing is not applicable to this article as no datasets were generated or analyzed during the current study.” So they mustn’t have done any work and either got it from somewhere else or maybe made it up?
55% of the world's population lives in this circle, within 2,500 miles of Yuxi, China
@maxplanckgesellschaft All links on Mastodon count as 23 characters, no matter how long they really are
URLs can be as long as you want, they will never exceed 23 characters of your limit.
There is no need to use a link shortener!
#FediTips #MastoTips #LinkShortener #LinkShorteners #URLShortener #URLShorteners #CharacterLimits #Mastodon
Occupational Medicine - physician and academic Location - Canada (formerly UK)