@glyph Mastuencer
@gsuberland I think we've almost nailed the luxury and gay parts though.
@redmp List is Foldable. What is the problem here?..
@redmp GHC.List.null is specialized to [].
@koteisaev It works. GNS is a marvel.
@dangoodin English and a bit of prompt engineering.
@isagalaev Been coding in Comic Sans for years. What a masterpiece of a font!
(No, really, try it!)
@dpiponi Is there a good frontpack on the market?
@amiloradovsky Of course money is just the means. The end is power.
"And we even know who that person is."
@cwebber The lost art of distinguishing check boxes and radio buttons!
Great news, everybody! Google has approved the updated XScreenSaver Privacy Policy. I assume that this means that they find it 100% factual and endorse it entirely.
@Jeremiah * threat model
SimpleX network: v5.8 released with private message routing, IP address protection for messages, files & media, new chat themes and more!
Also new in v5.8:
- group improvements - reduced traffic and additional preferences.
- improved networking, message and file delivery.
- Persian interface language - thanks to our users.
Read more: https://simplex.chat/blog/20240604-simplex-chat-v5.8-private-message-routing-chat-themes.html
Install the apps: https://simplex.chat/downloads/
Please upgrade your self-hosted servers!
See the new server guide: https://simplex.chat/docs/server.html
@koz Not quite your case, but "The next 500 module systems" paper gives a nice overview of the problem, bridging modules, type classes and records (and scopes!).
Toots as he pleases.