@jsbarretto @dmbaturin @belore ah, the developer evangelist of merchandising
Since `type AsyncReadyCallback = GObject -> AsyncResult -> IO () ` (found via hoogle) and it is wrapped in maybe, you shall pass
(Just $ \obj res -> pure ())
Replace `pure ()` with what you need to do with the object and result. It shoule have the type `IO ()`.
@rantingsteve @cwebber That's me in a tuple.
That's me in a struct.
Mapping arg position.
@eater depending on how far you have to go. If you want to ride information superhighway^W^W the internet, IP is a must. For something more local (including radio meshes like LoRa) there are options to send raw link-level data.
@amiloradovsky I have the same feeling. Either you know where to find your results already and go there directly or you're about to get shoveled with shit.
@whitequark Apparently they already do this for quite some time.
@acegikmo sorry for the confusion 😅
@acegikmo I'm talking about the variable names.
they can be position mnemonics so
the linear form would look like
l0 +
l1x0 + b l1 x1 +
This way one can easily sort them out to proper positions in the notation form and collect back to linear.
@acegikmo 's are just plural suffix.
x are variables in the middle matrix, that are now a
@acegikmo so the l's would be on the left and b's on the bottom.
also, s/a/x/, so x's would be on a row/column intersections
@acegikmo your "t"s are on the bottom and "b"s on the left
@amiloradovsky she's not interested in your degree, it's what you can do with it
@amiloradovsky "stop waiving your degree around and get to work!"
@amiloradovsky degree is offensive word, basically a "dick"
@amiloradovsky but also, main: "stay away from me you fucking main"
@amiloradovsky jack is a racial slur too.
“Those jacks took our jobs and corrupted our country.”
@poppyhaze Air, a schedule 2 substance
@carnage4life CNet: Let's generate and post some random crap!
Also CNet: oh no, our ratings have tanked, maybe we should delete some old content
Toots as he pleases.