What an "Assault Rifle" ban sounds like to me:
"Well since no guns used in mass shootings have ever been painted pink, lets make it so all guns have to be pink, that will reduce mass shootings!"
@freemo is there anything to what the media talks about when they say that assault rifles create far more damage to a body due to cavitation? Couldn't this, in addition to large and easily swappable magazines, be a reason to consider only allowing weapons with less lethality?
@JonKramer Well, that may be overstating the point. I'd much rather be shot by a 9mm pistol than a 5.56 rifle.
But "assault rifle" isn't the thing that matters, I think. (Hunting rifles can do far more damage than an "assault rifle", depending.)
@ech , in general, a hunting rifle has a bigger more powerful bullet than an AR. ARs are almost universally .223, not .556 NATO as well. And a 9 mm, although a bigger round, is not as powerful as a hunting rifle of any calibre. That might be the weakest round commonly used outside a 22 or a 25. And law enforcement has made the slow rolled switch to the 10mm or others because the 9mms tend to bounce off things, like windshields.