Are there many users of #Bookwyrm here? I'm not new to #foss but I am new to the #fediverse. I've used Goodreads for as long as I can remember. Any big pros or cons before I dive in?
@worldsendless I made an account! I've just added the books I've read this week so far, I had to import one of them from another bookwyrm instance which was interesting.
But it seems to run (slowly atm agreed), and I'm happy to swap from Goodreads :)
(Thanks for the response btw)
@elevynn I was a heavy Goodreads user and was happy when I was able to import most of my books from there. Some didn't make it, but it was good. I should probably seek a different Bookwyrm instance than the main one, since it is getting inundated right now.
@worldsendless Oh there's an import feature! :O
You're the best!
I'll play around with it when I'm back from work, about to leave for a rather chilly dark cycle home from work
@elevynn I love bookwyrm. The interface has some major room for improvement, and they are sometimes very slow (even before the Twitter-flood), but I like them.