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@elrui One drive because it came with Office 365, been using it on the phone and at the house....Seems stable and accessible from wherever. I have used the others.

What's best to store/sync/share files? 📂

(Boost for reach)

A plea to journalists covering the Fediverse:

If you want to pitch a story and the only people you can think of to talk to are Gargron and the Journa Host admin, please don't.

Instead, use the time you saved to learn more about how this network functions, who the people behind ActivityPub are (and what that even is), who the people keeping instances running are, who the people moderating instances are; you can even get your hands dirty by digging through the Mastodon GitHub issue queue and learn why exactly some design decisions ended up the way they did, it's all right there!

Mastodon is not off-brand Twitter. You do this entire community a massive disservice by painting it as such, and you do our profession a disservice by expressing a complete lack of curiosity about this community before you report on it.

Thank you.

hey there, so it turns out my wife is one of those folks that cant eat anything because of her hyperthyroidism. that's because she cant eat iodine but there's iodine in everything in modern society. None of the tasty stuff she can eat, and especially none of the easy stuff to make she can eat. So i made a thing that generates "no iodine recipes" check it out here : maybe you'll need this diet one day if you need certain surgeries or treatments for thyroid disease . Just this simple diet really helps us keep her off the chopping block / radioactive iodine tx . I'm going to generate one and use the shopping list , maybe y'all will find it interesting to use AI for foodies stuff, hopefully some of the recipes will actually be tasty too ♥️🍽

Llega el virus de a y en la

"Debido a la presencia del virus de origen asiático, de octubre a la fecha, se tuvieron que sacrificar 5.5 millones de aves, la mayoría de postura, en 13 entidades de la República Mexicana."

It's hard to overstate the extent to which the FBI-Twitter-Hunter Biden narrative promoted by Musk depends on narrative over evidence.

According to Twitter, a link to my profile here in qoto is considered malware 🙃

@freemo @mediocreape @lxo

There's an interesting (but paywalled) editorial board opinion piece discussing social media platform problems at

I reference it because, buried in after all the back-story is the following statement, which I like, and I think is also relevant in the context of this thread.

"What matters is that they’re set up to get it right, in aggregate, according to the public commitments they’ve made.

That starts with something as simple as platforms committing to transparency, "

This lines up nicely with the intent of the UFoI.

Seasonal reminder: Alcohol is a completely legal drug that destroys lives, relationships and families. Don't make it hard for people who are trying to stay sober to enjoy festivities and functions.

@dayatsea Sorry. Let me try again.

"There's a stupid thing going on with the self-appointed Mastodon Police where they're scolding newly arrived artists and writers for promoting their own work.

That's some serious bullshit, and it needs to stop."


New poll shows once again that most people support mask mandates.

Support for mask mandates is particularly strong in communities of color.

#BringBackMasks #COVID #COVID19 #PublicHealth

Twitter tracking to become the largest-ever alt-platform, governed by the Twitter Blue DAO, which will in no way devolve rapidly into paranoia and will attract much top talent.

Yeah, after some ruminating, I'm fairly convinced the mass-market success path for the fediverse requires one organization launching a fantastic mobile app that is also a Mastodon service, and most new users don't learn anything about different servers, at least not for a while.

That won't be sufficient, things might still fail in a dozen ways, but I think it's necessary.

Now that #Chanukkah is almost here I JUST realized that I forgot to share #holiday #greetings.

A belated 1st #Christian Omer 3rd First Day sameach!

1st Christian Omer 4th First Day sameach!

Wishing you simcha & ahava!


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Qoto Mastodon

QOTO: Question Others to Teach Ourselves
An inclusive, Academic Freedom, instance
All cultures welcome.
Hate speech and harassment strictly forbidden.