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The main word today is justice, for our state and our people who suffered losses due to russian aggression – address of President of #Ukraine 31/03/23

Ukrainians will endure this war. We will free our land and all our people from russian captivity. And there will be a day when the world will hear that justice has been restored for Ukraine

There will be a new Nuremberg – against the ruscists

Full address🔗

#SlavaUkraine #StandWithUkraine

"A group of academics [] has disclosed a fundamental design flaw in the IEEE 802.11 Wi-Fi protocol standard, impacting a wide range of devices running Linux, FreeBSD, Android, and iOS.
Successful exploitation of the shortcoming could be abused to hijack TCP connections or intercept client and web traffic...
The approach exploits power-save mechanisms in endpoint devices to trick access points into leaking data frames in plaintext, or encrypt them using an all-zero key."

@Chronomemes so pregnant, that if you share a room for 5 minutes you'll catch it :)

Конечно, разумеется, а вот проигрыш предоставит немалые преимущества! 😂

Putin: How will I be after the war?
Rasputin looks into crystal ball and goes: I see you riding a nice car across Russia, huge crowds cheering in streets, people are holding flowers and being extremely happy.
P gets totally eccstatic and booms:
But am I smiling?
R: cant see it from here, the lid of the coffin is closed.

Gauss-Lukas theorem:

For any non-constant polinomial P with complex coefficients, the zeroes of P' belong to the convex hull of the zeroes of P.

Proof is by differentiating P in its product form (or its logarithm) and showing any zero of P' is a convex combination of the zeroes of P.

"Купуването и продаването на гласове е престъпление" на края на всичко ми звучи малко като "Brought to you by Carl's Jr."

@adiz @don @rbe_expert obviously both of you are lacking logic skills fof formal reasoning so you resort to emotions.

@rbe_expert @adiz @don well, marxist states have this murderous tendency to become giant concentration camps...

@adiz @don @rbe_expert is it so? So... hitler was right for the jews? What was their crime again?

@rbe_expert @adiz @don Btw: when talking about people it is distasteful to consider onky their class but not individuality. Every action is performed by individuals, not classes. To say that one class does something to another is a crude simplification which aims for creating hatred and division. Crimes are performed by individuals, not classes.

@rbe_expert @adiz @don The militarh spending keeps people's way of life safe. If a country can't protect its borders it will fall victim of the next egomaniac that wants to be called emperor. That destroys "workers" lifes too. I assure you, there are signifficant differences between life in ruZZia and Poland for example, and it's not in favor of ruZZia. Peoples lifes matter. Cut the marxist bullahit. People in democratic countrist live much better than in any dictatorship even without the freedom metric. For me the freedom is most important, but they also are better off economically too.

@rbe_expert @adiz @don the simple truth is, putler invaded Ukraine and no ammount of marcist bullshit can erase that. It was a crime - both from legal and moral pov.

@rbe_expert @adiz @don and what happened in 2014? Ukraine would have to be insane to not start preparing for war after 2014. Europe was certifiably insane to "negotiate" with putler... Good there was US to help Ukraine prepare for the phase II of putler madness

@rbe_expert @adiz @don Military spending is a tax, worth paying. An actual war is much more expensive, as putler is about to learn.

@rbe_expert @adiz @don You are so naive, "si vis pacem, para bellum" as the romans said. You are staring at the consequences of demilitarization: in tge last 30 years the European NATO members stopped spending the required 2% of the GDP on military capabilities. And what do we get? A dictator, trying to destroy an independent country, committing genocide and war crimes. Thank god there is the US! I hope Europe learns the lesson.

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