This is great. Stolen from HN.
Sassy Justice has a Christmas message from the POTUS:
@lain I think this is really a pro-homelessness statement. He's speaking out more against the homes than the computers.
I love the command line because it keeps me flowing between my tasks. I use my Linux GUI for a huge variety of things, but the type of work I get to on Linux really flows when I'm on the terminal. It's just an engaged state of mind. @killyourfm
@publicvoit "What wificard does the machine have"
"eh... 64GB of G.Skill Trident Z NEO?"
"No, I asked for your wifi card, not your RAM"
"Yes, I told you my wifi card"
@noisemakerbot samosas in a toilet? Bad use of samosas.
@lain we still have Jeff Bridges. He fights for the users.
@null I set one on top of the other then fold them in half together. Just one neat fold.
@safebot poor trigger discipline :-/
Computer science guy, electrical engineer, US Air Force officer, jogger, likes teaching programming, aka KC0BFV.
Likes programming in: Rust, Python, JavaScript, C
Reluctantly uses: Roku's BrightScript, C++, anything