Former Reddit boss on social network censorship
Rust Number Conversion - Don't Follow the Book...
Done in Blender's Grease Pencil at Hack and Craft. The first draft was here:
This is the first 2d animation thing I've ever done. I feel pretty good about it!
These episodes and shorts are great - Taskmaster
new original post! understanding higher-kinded types
Some opinions about integer conversion in #Rust
I made a current sensor to email me when a heater was not working at a remote location.
Gotta check this out as a replacement for Adtiga. I want a music streaming platform that can feed a Subsonic protocol app from s3
@healyn you know how the web site start with www. that is web 3. there are three w, one for each web
#Apache Guacamole is the interface I deploy to let folks interact with the range easily. It is not easy to configure automatically... There's a simple user config file, but it is intentionally extremely simple. If you want to deploy Guacamole via configuration as code, you need something more powerful. I created this to do that:
Jetty is kinda vulnerable... It doesn't use log4j logging by default, but it does come with a drop-in logging replacement module that uses log4j. By default... Even the current versions of Jetty for download will, when enabling this module, download vulnerable log4j. The people making Jetty don't seem to realize this yet. I have no idea if anyone uses the replacement module. But I did!
Computer science guy, electrical engineer, US Air Force officer, jogger, likes teaching programming, aka KC0BFV.
Likes programming in: Rust, Python, JavaScript, C
Reluctantly uses: Roku's BrightScript, C++, anything