And here is a guy who has figured out a considerably better way to solve #AdventOfCode day 16. Lots of spoilers here:
It's that comment by zopatista that I'm talking about.
#AdventOfCode 2022 Day 18: Boiling Boulders
What the heck? After the last few days, that was a breeze. Just built a voxel space from cube objects, each linked to their neighbors. And then filled the space from the outside.
With you can render objects in #Minecreft style.
This is how my puzzle input looks like:
It's roughly a ball, which is hollow inside. You can zoom in with the mouse.
My solution code in TypeScript:
@EinPhysiker You're better than me - mine took 20 minutes to run (Python).
#AdventOfCode Day 16 was a doozy and took me a while because I tried a "dynamic programming" solution when I (think I) shouldn't have. Oh well! Got it in the end:
@brk I agree, it seems to work really well, and the user-mode type modification possibilities seem like a good compliment to containers. It's the first time I've used nix, I'll have to try it some more. you don't have to ID all the actions that will get you to "complete", just the next one. Later you can ID the action after that (but you probably accomplished several actions instead of just one at a time, if you're like me, so you can skip all those in the middle that you did).
Too often I've tried to ID many/all the actions needed, and that's just a bad use of effort.
Page 123 has a great diagram - a way of focusing yourself as you dig into that "157 unread items & 1000 read items" inbox.
Here's a copy:
(comment on "Getting Things Done")
My key takeaway from this book, so far, is to identify the "next action" for things in progress. The BUJO (bullet journal) method of organizing is extremely valuable (and seems simpler/more concrete than GTD), but the "identify your next action" is a simple powerful addition I think.
(comment on "Getting Things Done")
And the reason I posted anything at all - a note to myself for the future. I'm working with people trying to provide this type of environment at work, and it seems to be an open problem for them.
Next time we interact I will now ask better questions
For years (decades) I have ssh'd in and vim'd and tmux'd my way to success. This has been great, and I still love it as a way to work. Last two days my desktop has been turned off (home maintenance has necessitated I move it), and I've been using for Advent Of Code. Which is awesome.
It made me curious about the maturity of open source self-hosted versions of the same thing. It looks like they're very mature.
The benefits of lazy evaluation when getting ice from Sonic:
My favorite part is when Christopher Lewis's version of Philip Glass's "Metamorphosis 3" kicks in. It sounds super cool on harpsichord.
Listening to: my favorite part of Music for Programming Episode 3, by Datassette
@wxheather That was my first thought too, just for the verbosity. I felt better when I dug in.
#AdventOfCode day 11 WHOOP WHOOP!!! Feelin good! 1787/1196 This guy knows how to do part 2 🙂 First finisher on my private leaderboard.
Alright. Now to chillax a little.
The snek in Part 2 of today's #AdventOfCode gave me more problems than I expected because of one pesky diagonal move option I forgot to check for, but I got there!
Computer science guy, electrical engineer, US Air Force officer, jogger, likes teaching programming, aka KC0BFV.
Likes programming in: Rust, Python, JavaScript, C
Reluctantly uses: Roku's BrightScript, C++, anything