Follow @MominRasool
At the moment: Beautiful pictures of pakistani mountains.
Thank you!

@MominRasool @freemo
We have literally no mountains here next to the North Sea.
But this is what it looks like here:
(It was garbage day :D )

@commandelicious There arent any int he Netherlands either. I miss the mountains. There are plenty in America. @MominRasool

@commandelicious @freemo those pictures I’ve shared, these places are miles miles away from my city. There’s so less population here in hilly areas because of land sliding, cold and tourism.

@MominRasool Be glad you have still untouched land in your country.
@freemo will know that maybe from the United States. Untouched land just doesn't exist in central europe.

@freemo @MominRasool
Don't get me wrong, I am not really complaining. I love cities and having everything I need around me. It's just a thing that's gone. Same goes for "dangerous wildlife". Look around you, except wild boars, what's there? :D

@commandelicious I think you guys are missing out on a LOT by not having more nature personally. It is so enriching.


@freemo @commandelicious true that, I love nature no matter what country side having it. I love nature all around the world.

@MominRasool Its one thing i love doing when i travel, finding some forest and getting lost in it.


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