@neverfadingwood I can understand your stance politically for sure. No one should have political influence bestowed by a government as a matter of birthright.


@freemo @neverfadingwood @Surasanji Reconfiguring the way they get their income, that's understandable. "Sterilising" them, though? Have you...learned history?


My hope would be that he didnt actually mean it, just a way of him showing his dislike. I hope im not wrong though.

@neverfadingwood @Surasanji

@freemo @neverfadingwood @Surasanji I know how you mean this, and I'm sure you're right... but that's still how this all starts.

@hashtaggrammar @freemo @neverfadingwood In this case I believe it was colorful, emotional language vs an actual support for Eugenics.

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