@freemo Tomorrow is my birthday and my heart breaks because my family is not here, only my dad

@esperera_98 Passed away or just somewhere else?

Maybe we can cheer you up if we throw you a qoto party? get you some special emoji just for you, encourage people on the server to send you meme or quotes or other things on topics you like. I dunno, some way to make you feel special since you cant be with your family?

@freemo Awww yes thank you! You all are so kind! ❤

@esperera_98 Animals? Nature? Oceans, Beaches, Favorite author or book/show stuff like that.. will give me some info to come up with ideas

@freemo well mmm, I love the sea more than anything hahaha I always say I wish I could live there 😂. I adore dogs and cats and I like so much daisy flowers 🌼 and sunflowers 🌻


@esperera_98 Perfect :) Hopefully I can use that to make a few smiles tomorrow, ill think up some cute things for you :)

@esperera_98 Already succeeding and I didnt even start yet. :)

Plenty more where that came from.

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