@freemo Gedit.It's simple and just works.
@freemo well, spacemacs was the closest to doom-emacs...
@zen3ger How does doom-emacs compare to spacemacs?
@freemo I don't have much experience with Spacemacs, I installed it once it was slow as hell so I went back to my own evil-emacs configuration. Doom is faster, everything just works. It really has a great out-of-box experience with pretty much IDE like "install plugin X" and done configuration. Workspaces and projects are awesome... and the splash screen is way cooler
@zen3ger I might give it a try. Does it do what spacemacs does and popup the hotkey continuation choices as you type it so you can learn as you go?
@freemo yes, all the spacemacs magic is there, even the bindings are ~90% the same. Or at least what I can remember. It really worth a try, especially if someone was rolling her/his own evil-mode config, like I did for 3 years.
@zen3ger Thanks ill check it out.
@freemo I now use doom emacs, after having started with spacemacs. I found spacemacs to have long load times and unstable dependencies. Upgrades in spacemacs were always a gamble.
The key bindings are similar. No matter where I go next with emacs, I will almost certainly take the key bindings with me.
@wes I might need to give it a try. I do sometimes notice that spacemaks might take a second to respond to something. But it hasnt been a problem yet. I could see it getting annoying though.
@freemo Currently, VS Code. No competition anywhere in sight.
@mmstick I tried it, surprisingly good for microsoft. But otherwise wasnt particularly impressed enough to use one of their products. I might keep it installed though for taking a peek from time to time to compare.
@freemo The Sublime-style multi-cursor editing is the killer feature, in addition to extensions. For Rust, there is nothing that works better than VS Code + rust-analyzer
@freemo you made the poll just as an excuse to say this yet again, didn't you?
@namark I wouldnt need an excuse to say it as many times as I'd like :)
@freemo I really like Atom, surprised nobody else had mentioned them
@haxonek Atom is nice, mostly what I used before my Spacemacs switch. Ultimately what prompted me to switch was it kept crashing on me and figured I needed to find a new tool, so figured id jump into vim or emacs since that is what the other pros seem to use.
(small voice from the corner) nano.
@freemo I voted Emacs but actually nano.
@freemo used to be Jetbrains, now VSCode. With the right plugins it comes close to Jetbrains' Suite.
@freemo Xcode, Visual Studio, BBEdit.
@fahrni This one isnt so much for IDEs as it is for Vim/Emacs land (their all flavors of those two)
@kumicota cool I'll check it out
@freemo Is visual studio sacrilege?
@mandlebro yes, yes it is
For those who don't already know, mine is Spacemacs