We recently had a flat-earther. I was tolerant of this up until the point he got aggressive in private messages when asked about if he is a STEM student or professional. So the situation mostly resolved itself, he is no longer with us.
With that said how should we handle people who are otherwise respectful but post almost 100% flat-earth content (basically people who are explicitly anti-STEM)?
@puzzl Ahh I think I understand now
@freemo It's not just slang, it's just that, so I think that high school level primary education is a good rule of thumb. And I also know that there are "No hate, No censorship. Be kind, be respectful" in the RULE https://qoto.org/about/more . (It doesn’t matter, I'm very looking forward to upgrading to Mastodon3.)
(By the way, "angle trisector" is a slang in the sense that someone makes a wrong claim At least in Japan around me.