@realcaseyrollins I'm here foryou if i can help in someway or you want to talk... You've seemed ok to me. The one little disagreement we had about gender did seem a bit unusual for you (its the first time I heard you say something that made me react in disgust) but I dont know if that is unusual behavior for you or if your just not hiding views that in the past you felt were best to keep to yourself. Either way I didn't take it as an indication that you aren't ok.
We are here for you though!
@freemo Actually it is more likely because I'm really missing my 5 month old brother back home rn
@realcaseyrollins That would do it :)
@freemo Thanks! 🤗
Yeah it's definitely not connected, I don't think, I've held the opinion for awhile but never thought I needed to shove it down anyone's throat. As it is, I'm probably not going to bring it back up, at least in the near future.
I am actually wondering if part of it too is me being single and wanting to be in a relationship, with Valentine's Day coming up. 😕 I haven't noticed myself being particularly gloomy, but multiple people have asked me why I'm not smiling as much as I used to. This could certainly be part of that. Not sure if it's actually the case or not...