
LOL I literally was saying this before Trump even uttered the phrase. Seriously the liberals have lost their damn mind when it comes to trump.

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@freemo I dunno. I guess on the one hand, the "Spanish Flu" is a good example of this kind of speech that doesn't seem so racist. On the other hand, placing emphasis on where the virus came from does strike me as suspiciously convenient for Trump's political agenda. Especially when most of the world is using the term Coronavirus or COVID-19.

I have to wonder what kind of effect terms like the "China virus" have on voters who are increasingly xenophobic and anti-China.

@pcrock Perhaps, but what could the racist intent of trump be? If the intent is to blame the Chinese, that isnt really unfounded, they had irresponsible practices that werent being regulated that they knew had this consequence attached to it (And came close to unleashing viruses before).

So worst case scenario if the intent is to put some blame on the chinese government for dropping the ball (perhaps to deflect any attacks on him personally to take the blame) I still wouldnt call that racist, and even has some legitimacy to it.

On the other hand though, justified or not, it may fuel legitimate racism towards asians who live in america and had nothing to do with the virus. In that sense it isnt a good thing.

Personally if his intent was to just call attention to china's role in all this it would have been more effective if he explained things (as I just did) rather than just calling it the chinese virus

@freemo Agreed. I do think people are too concerned with applying labels to politicians, and not concerned enough about the effects of political rhetoric and the power of words.

@freemo Trump could descend from the heavens with Jesus and save the world and the libs world still scream he's Satan and burn him at the stake ๐Ÿ˜… ๐ŸŒ

@Wetrix Like all presidents there is no shortage of legitimate things to criticize.

Thats kind of why I find it so disgraceful that the liberals make so much up, like, you didnt even have to. It just comes across like a compulsive liar at that point, psychotic.

@freemo Conservatives, too, should have just as many complaints about trump. But similar to how @Wetrix put it: trump could explode from below in the center of a volcano-quake while insane distorted chords, bass riffs, and 400 bpm played from nowhere alongside lightning and flaming meteors hammering the ground from the throats of multiheaded demon-dragons from stormy skies and cons would still scream he's Jesus and bow before him en masse!


Partly true. There is certainly a class of conservative Trump supporter than acts like trump is infallable no matter what he does.

But the thing is it seems to be 100% almost of liberals who constantly spew every negative lie about trump they can find. Meanwhile the conservatives who are blindly loyal to trump seems much smaller.

Literally everyone I know who is realistic about the situation is either a centrist/moderate who is neither liberal or conservative, or is straight up conservative.


@freemo I used to hang out on the Gab before I realized they were lying about frozen peaches (fool me once...) and they're very polarized about trump.

From what I've seen there are three camps among the right-wing:

The moderate conservative (who are almost never heard from because they're drowned out by the next two groups' bellowing at each other) who could be either for or against trump but not as strongly as the second and third groups.

The second group (who seem to be the majority) of stereotypical American deep south rednecks, who rabidly support trump as the second coming who will rid the land of the non-christian, non-straight, and politically correct. They will jump down your throat for hating on jewish folk and any conservatives who happen to be black/latino/etc. All of trump's failures to build the wall and so on are all blamed on "demonrats", "libtards", and the third group. :eyeroll:

And the third happen to be your stereotypical /pol/-tier, Hitler-worshiping skinheads who hate trump for being some sort of "traitor" thanks to trump's pro-jew stance and refusal to build the wall and so on. :eyeroll:

This third group is a VERY vocal minority -- due to Poe's Law, it's hard to distinguish the sincere believers in "WE invented civilization and [racial slur] are destroying it by making women & minorities hate us with decade-long communist psyop campaigns using their majority control of billionaires and the MSM blah-blah-tinfoil-blah" from mere teenage-like trolls who spew racist, sexist, homophobic and such memes only because they can get away with it. :facepalm:

The third group are whom most of us hear about, though if you spend a while on Gab (and /pol/, too) you'll see no more than a half-dozen dedicated white nationalists with >20-40k posts each. Whereas the half-literate "lololo gas em all six gorillion moar huehue" lusers come and go, showing that these kids were doing nothing more than trying to ruffle feathers, then left when bored. :drake_dislike:



I think the issue here is confusing the loudist with those who have the greatest numbers.. I think it **appears** to the outside that the vast majority of conservatives are as you described.

But I think thats just because the true vast majority of trump supporters are so quickly attacked (literally treated the same as a nazi) that the vast majority of them are silent out of fear of how people will react.

Conservatives have a strong sense of public opinion, its in their nature. Most will fall under the radar very quickly if they feel the general public isnt accepting of their opinions. But in my expiernce they are still the majority.

Its also why the democrats keep loosing, they make the very assumptions you make and fail to reasonably access the conservative and swing voters.


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