@Kovaelin which model.. old school or the new fancy CAS ones?
@Kovaelin I never used anything except for their graphic calculators both new and old.. the new ones arent too bad, but for all their fancy featrures they arent useful enough and the old ones are fine
@freemo New or old, why the heck are they still selling (and why are institutes "recommending") calculators that don't use dot-matrix displays? I probably never would have bought the ones I have if my schools didn't ban everything else. There's a reason that I found these in storage, and now that they're out, I have a major itch to sell them. Do I really want to pass on my pain though? Hmm...
@Kovaelin probably because students are poor? Also because teachers dont want you to use a calculator that is too smart or capable.
@freemo Teachers want to break my legs! Got it!
@Kovaelin Thats not just limited to teachers :)
@freemo o no
@freemo Basically, all the "new" (still kinda old) ones that had the logarithm bug. Plus, I'm just not a fan of how any of the (somehow popular) TI-30's look. Not to mention how they don't even bother to differentiate versions. There's a 30XIIS that actually has okay buttons (and better colours), but it's actually an older model that they don't sell anymore. It shares the same name with a number of other 30XIIS'.