I don't often bring up domain blocks, but if you're running your own server, you might want to block the domain 10minutepleroma.com, the potential for spam and abuse is immense.

I was accused of "fearmongering about abuse that doesn't exist" because apparently conceptually, the precedent of disposable e-mail providers is not enough. Well, here's how I learned about this tool!

(Screenshot contains racial slurs, antisemitism, nazi imagery)

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@Gargron Man, sorry that you have to deal with so much drama. Personally I understand your fears and while I might generally side with people who want to wait till a problem arises to fix it, well, the truth is I see no protections on the part of that service to be preventive at addressing the problem. If they had made some effort, any effort, to help minimize abuse I might be more likely to side with other people on this. But as it stands right now its hard for me to see how this wont be abused.

@freemo @Gargron Das schlimme wird wohl ab nächtes jahr losgehen. Wo ich Ihnen Recht geben muss Freemo die es wirklich gut meinen mit Ihren Visionen und die gut sind ,ist so einer wie Eugen und andere. Die eigentlich nichts dafür können nein im Gegenteil sie versuchen mit Ihren Ansichten etwas an dem Zustand noch zu verbessern. Da hilft in Deutschland kein Netz DG oder die DSVGO ., wenn man dann sowas hier lesen muss.
matrix.org/blog/2020/10/19/com . Nein es muss sich in allem was ändern.



Its hard for me to understand everything you said as I relied on a translator. But I'm not sure I agree that the worst of this sort of racism and abuse is yet to come.. Don't get me wrong I dont deny its existence and am all for doing what we can to make sure racism doesn't perpetuate. but I do feel over time the racism has been decreasing not increasing, and I'd say that has been true in recent times as well.


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@freemo @carrabelloy @Gargron

"Racism" has been forced out of the public eye

This has just legitimized benevolent xenophobia in the eyes of most people


@amerika @Gargron @freemo That has nothing to do with cultural strangeness, if you want to tell me how the left ticks in politics Islam belongs to Germany. No, he doesn't belong. We are Christian occidental and it should stay that way. This Mrs. Merkel, our Chancellor, destroyed our country. And now it's going to get bad. They mean everything through our public service media. And all the left press. They will all be amazed. It won't be a piece of cake for the old parties next year

@amerika @Gargron @freemo Many Germans shut up, but now it's over. Whether Brussels or Berlin. Even the Dutch don't want this lobbyist stronghold in Brussels. Because the western countries like Holland Belgium Germany Austria, which no longer want it that way, destroy land and hardly have any money to stay alive and taxes are getting higher and higher. How long do you believe a people that still participates. Immigration to our country is enough.

@carrabelloy @Gargron @freemo

People need to start saying the magic words, "diversity doesn't work."

It's not about WHO the diversity is, but the fact of diversity itself.

I write about this a lot. It's a fascinating distinction that opens a whole world of thought.


Whether diversity works or not depends largely on the people. I've seen diversity be disastrous, I've seen it be harmonious. Generally when the group is filled with mature decent people it almost always works, but such people tend to be rare, so it can also generally fail.

@carrabelloy @Gargron

@freemo @carrabelloy @Gargron

I've seen it in all forms. Like anarchy, it works in small communes where everyone knows each other, but they are not functional beyond a very limited range, and over time, problems occur.

In societies, once it reaches a certain threshold, culture and social order break down.

@amerika Nah, I cant go with that. It has little if anything to do with critical mass or society breaking down. The truth is that many societies are just filled with immature people, nothing more, nothing less.

I've been to large cities all over the world with very large degrees of diversity and have often seen people get along rather well.


I have lived in those cities my whole life.

Tourist view doesn't tell you much.

@amerika I didnt say i was there as a tourist, I lived in many of those cities as well. Visited others.

@amerika @Gargron @freemo Sie sprechen mir aus der Seele. Deswegen muss diese Merkel weg und der ganzen Abgeordneten die wir dort haben. Diese Kanzlerin wird gehasst vom eigenen Bürger die reden sich das alles schön. Die AFD ist ja nicht einfach so entstanden und ich denke die wissen noch gar nicht was denen Blühen wird. Es kann in Deutschland unter Umständen im nächsten Jahr Chaos ausbrechen. Die sind nur mit Stühle rücken dran aber das weitere sehen sie nicht. das sie in Ihrer Luftblase sind

@amerika @Gargron @freemo speak from my soul. That's why Merkel and all the MPs we have there have to go. This Chancellor is hated by her own citizens who talk about it all nicely. AFD didn't just come about and I don't think they even know what will bloom for them. Chaos could break out in Germany next year. They are only with chairs back to them but they don't see anything else. that they are in your bubble

@carrabelloy @Gargron @freemo

I write about this a lot but...

I think we're in the sea change that Fukuyama warned would never happen

People are tired of modernity

That includes liberal democracy, market socialism, diversity, promiscuity, feminism, etc.

These things make life bad

Nothing gets really good when life is bad

Instead, it just drones on, getting a little bit worse every year...

@amerika @Gargron @freemo I really agree with you. There have to be values and when they are no longer there, societies break and that happened in Germany. People from the outside are not shown this. Since all press houses are switched the same in Europe and Germany. But it is no longer that whole in Germany. It is totally divided and not just in East or West. But also in the west. It is finally time that something changed.

@amerika @Gargron @freemo The values must be restored. If Eugen didn't eat, he couldn't work well, and neither could she. If you do not give your engine oil, the machine will not last long.

@amerika @Gargron @freemo Was schreiben Sie denn ? Wenn ich sie fragen darf ? Ich finde schreiben echt toll. Leider nach meinem Unfall wird das Grammatisch nichts mehr werden. Sonst brauchte ich einen Lektor. Der mir die Worte, die ich vorbereitet, habe zu Papier bringt. Von daher finde ich das gut. Ich muss mal schauen, ob ich, dass auch noch schaffen kann, ein Buch zu schreiben. Ich wünsche Ihnen immer die besten Zeilen und einen wunderbaren Erfolg das sie immer die richtigen Worte finden

@amerika @Gargron @freemo What are you writing? If I may ask you? I think writing is really great. Unfortunately, after my accident, the grammar will no longer work. Otherwise I needed an editor. Who puts the words I have prepared on paper for me. So I think that's good. I have to see if I can still manage to write a book. I always wish you the best lines and a wonderful success that you always find the right words

@carrabelloy @Gargron @freemo

Thanks for the translation. Only some German language makes sense here (thanks Oma).

As far as writing/editing, I wrote a book on nihilism, have a second one coming on traditionalism, publish daily at www.amerika.org, and run a writing/editing gig at brettstevens.org

I have some writers -- for Amerika -- who basically send in outlines and snippets that I make into articles. Busy people in the real world, not "internet people," if that makes sense.

@amerika @Gargron @freemo Doch auch die jetzt noch oder was sie sehen ist noch, so das es menschen schreiben. Überall gibt es noch nicht die Bots. Oder den Quanten Computer ich denke das es aber schon toll ist, wenn man kann also schreiben kann und ein tolles Buch schreiben können. Vielleicht sollten sie mal darüber ein Buch schreiben. es könnte bestimmt Interessant werden. Da in Amerika dasselbe Problem herrscht. Mann kann auch nicht Trump für alles dafür Verantwortlich machen.

@amerika @Gargron @freemo But even now or what you see is still so that people write it. The bots aren't everywhere yet. Or the quantum computer, but I think it's great when you can write and write a great book. Maybe they should write a book about it sometime. it could be interesting. Because America has the same problem. You can't hold Trump responsible for everything.

@freemo @amerika @Gargron But every cultural circumstance must be preserved. I don't like new ones like what has been done here. I think if we hadn't had this diversity, then this would not have come to this Corona in Europe. I am equally convinced of this insane feminism. All of this is no longer possible and many no longer want it.


That too makes no sense to me.. When I have been in places with diversity I've seen many different peoples all share their own cultures with me, which they have well preserved. Not only is there culture, but there is far more of it in far more varieties in a diverse culture.

I've been to places with little diversity as well and generally you get one culture with very little variety. In fact, most of the variety even from individual cultures comes from a long history of importation of ideas from other cultures that happened to visit it.

@carrabelloy @Gargron

@freemo @carrabelloy @Gargron

Culture is often understated. In fact, I think that's the real deal.

You seem to flip-flop on arguments here, choosing different reasons to argue for diversity. My guess is that you really want to argue for egalitarianism.

In my extensive experience, diversity leads to a lack of social standards, goals, aesthetics, behaviors, etc., because culture has become an envelope for other cultures.

Loss of social trust is also huge.

But keep arguing for decay!
@amerika @carrabelloy @Gargron @freemo

Diversity is our strength, man!

If it wasn't for diversity, I would have to fly to Lebanon to enjoy my shawarma.

Diversity is awesome, bro!
@Prodigal @Gargron @carrabelloy @freemo

Not true. Any decent cook could make a good one.

Diversity is how civilizations die.

Proof: the third world.


well that certainly isnt true. I myself love ethnic food and the second it plops down in front of me it is immediately obvious if the dish was created by a native who grew up on it made by their grandmother every week, or if it is just some random native who is trying to imitate the style.

Granted shawarma itself is easy as there isnt much secret to how to make it. but try to get authentic vietnamese from a europeaner and nine times out of ten it will be obvious who made it.

You just cant replace a life time of eating your grandmothers food, no matter how good a chef you are. Sure you might make something good, but it wont taste authentic most of the time.

@carrabelloy @Prodigal @Gargron

@freemo @carrabelloy @Prodigal @Gargron

Complete gibberish; you simply have not encountered any qualified chefs, apparently.

Around here the Shawarma, Chinese food, Italian food, etc. are all made by Mexicans.

They do a good job in many cases. Depends on who's on grill.

@freemo @amerika @Prodigal @Gargron Das war ein beispiel mit dem Essen. Aber es geht um die Kulturellen werte wie was die Islam-Gläubigen hier betreiben. Das wollen wir nicht. Wie hier vielleicht mal anschauen. youtu.be/_F82qInGeUA

@amerika @Gargron @carrabelloy @freemo

Just playing devils advocate.

But on the real, I love my authentic ethnic food being here.

@Prodigal @amerika @Gargron @freemo wie gesagt und da fängt das an wenn keine Einheitlich Sprache hier ist. Ich hasse sogar England und das Englisch als Sprache. Ich liebe Schottland und,habe Freunde da. Ich kann auch nicht zu Eugen und allen anderen sagen macht das in Deutsch. Wenn ich so gut wie Eugen wäre, würde ich einen Quell-Code vielleicht in Deutsch versuchen. Aber das wird nichts mehr. Für mich ist diese Sprache Quälerei . Obwohl du sieht Technisch meine eigene Instanz.

@Prodigal @amerika @Gargron @freemo wenn das dein einziges Problem ist der Dönner. Leider hat oder sollte Vielfalt Grenzen haben. Denn warum gibt es so viele Kulturen. Bestimmt nicht, wenn man alle versucht zusammen zu bringen. Das ist mir zu viel, wenn dafür ein ganzes Land zerstört wird. Es muss eine Erkenntlichkeit eines Landes sein. Ich kann auch nicht mit 3 Millionen Deutschen dort ein ganzes Land ändern und sagen, wenn wir da sind, Schweinefleisch Kirche muss in dem Libanon sein.

@amerika @Gargron @carrabelloy @freemo

My german sucks forgot lots from my college intro course.

Great language, no need to use it outside of a classroom though.

I should visit the Goethe institute some time.


Me too. Thats the problem with learning most languages, unless your goal is to talk to random grandparents who are undereducated, or perhaps live somewhere, there isnt really much use for it. Most native speakers are probably more comfortable speaking english than your half-assed attempt at their language too.

Really from a functional standpoint if you know mandarin chinese and english you pretty much know everything you need to know.

@carrabelloy @amerika @Gargron

@Prodigal @amerika @Gargron @freemo yes that's also what annoys us more and more English and many think that they can't and don't have to speak German. These are precisely the problems. I also cannot say to all programmers why we don't make the source code in German, please = Europe has a German share of at least a quarter and Germany pays most of it. And that's just as exciting. I don't want to learn any other language in my country at all. Look what I did

@Prodigal @amerika @Gargron @freemo Was glaubst du was dann los ist in deinem Land ? ich glaube wenn wir unsere Kultur in eurem Land einbringen wollen möchte ich das Volk mal im Libanon sehen. Glaubst du die würden das Mitmachen bestimmt nicht. Das gegenteil

@amerika @Gargron @freemo Not like this anymore. And that has nothing to do with racism. But Germany must remain as it is true

@freemo @Gargron I don't speak English either and I do the same with the translator. Not many people here in Germany have noticed that and my wife Merkel, as it was said, is the good chancellor. The citizens are angry with nieces and there will be a party besides the AFD. I want many other citizens no longer want that. This will destroy everything. People all over the world will see what's going on here next year. It is too much

@freemo @Gargron And this woman Chancellor did nothing for her own people. Except for more problems after Schröder's Agenda 2010, she took over the office and she failed in everything. I'm happy when she's gone. Only she won't be able to go away. You have to manage it, because I will assume that no new Chancellor can be appointed. The country is broken. And there are citizens who were once for the BND and the police and everyone is involved. It's going to get worse like Corona next year.

@freemo Everything is already being prepared. Because a Mr. Todenhöfer also wants to make a party. But who is something from the left and probably wants to let in even more. It may even be that there will be conditions like in France with the yellow vests. We don't want it that way anymore. And the other part of the left want red red green

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