Just a little reminder of why the two party system is a fallacy and why you should vote third party tomorrow:
1) the chance of Biden-Trump being determined by a single vote is virtually impossible. There is a greater chance that a third party will win the election than there is of Biden and Trump being decided by one vote.
2) Because your vote wont actually determine the outcome of the election what you need to ask yourself is what vote will send the message you want for the future. You cant effect who will win but by bolstering the numbers of the party you think is ideologically the best you send the message for future elections that the party you support stands a chance. You are and always have been voting for future elections, not this one.. so the real vote is, do you wantt o perpetuate a two party system or do you want to see the two party system broken?
3) the primary parties will be on the ballot regardless. Third parties need to have a certain level of support to make the ballots at all. By voting third party you ensure that third parties show on the ballot in future elections and help drive change whereby we can push out the priamry parties from having a monopoly...
In short, there is no argument to support a two party system exists, there is no logical reason that your vote is more effective or does more good voting for a party based on its liklihood of winning. However not voting third party does do real measurable harm, even with just one vote.
If you care about america do the right thing, vote third party!
#uspol #election #election2020 #biden2020 #Trump2020 #Jo2020
If you legitimately feel that one of the primary party candidates are the best, though its hard for me to see how, then yes, by all means, support them!
I would disagree with the inevitability of a two party system as evidenced by government systems. There are many governments, some of which much older than us, some of which are historic others are still around, which have had voting systems very similar to the USA. There are many examples of such systems not degrading into a two party system. So the argument that it is unavoidable and inevitable with a system like america's would seem incorrect if for no other reason than based on historic evidence.
@aminewatcher The most notable and exagerated example I can think of would be the Weimar Republic. their voting system was much like ours, not a coalition system but where the majority winner took the presidency, winner take all, the same being applied to each seat in their version of the senate.. so their system of voting was very similar to us. Despite the similarity they had a great many representatives and parties in each election. Full list of canddiateson the ballot and counted I think were upwards of 100 different parties in some years.
Though the definition of a two party system isnt so much who gets on the ballot but who wins. In the USA virtually all seats in our senate are one f two parties with a very small number being third party, so we call taht a two party system.
By contrast the weimar republic had a pretty healthy division of parties and seats. We see about 10 different parties holding seats at the same time.
Interesting! I'll definitely look into that! Thanks for the info!
Oh! I am unaware of of any country with similar election processes that hasn't been to some degree reduced to a 2 or 3 party system. Or at least a system were 2 or 3 parties run most of the show.
And I guess it is possible for more than 2 or 3 parties to be stable so long as each of those parties is able to maintain a base of significant enough size to compete on some scale with the other parties. It would also require that each of the parties have policies unique to that party that the base is unwilling to compromise on.
So I do think it would be possible, especially in countries that may have strong religious diversity. But again, I haven't heard of anything like that.
Could you tell me about some?