My god the Irony and Hypocrisy of this new Biden administration.

Lets see, we have a press conference, on federal land, in a federal building, discussing how important Bidens new mask mandate is that makes it illegal not to wear a mask on federal land or in federal buildings...

and yet, the speaker isnt wearing a mask, literally as she explains why we the public will get arrested for doing the very thing she is doing as she announces it, and the very same thing Biden did just the day before.

Biden is and always has been above the law and this is just more of the same, take away everyone else's rights, but of course it never applies to Biden.

@freemo #Biden often wears a mask when it's not needed (no one is near him + he's been vaccinated)-- but he does it to lead by proper example, as any responsible & competent leader should.



1) He isnt leading by example by passing a law and then breaking it

2) the speaker is not leading by example by reciting the law while breaking it

3) the law makes no exceptions for people who are vaccinated, this is no excuse

4) the law makes no exception for not having people near you at the time, this is also no excuse

Sorry but not a single one of those explanations are valid in the least.

@freemo @koherecoWatchdog

1) Executive orders are not law.

2) The order makes several exceptions and more broadly puts judgement in the hands of department leadership.

3) It *is* bad optics for the press secretary and the President.

4) I didn't see you complaining about any of the hundreds of examples of shocking hypocrisy during the last administration, and this thing is tiny in comparison.

^ the actual executive order for reference


There wasnt one order there were two, you only linked the second (and the less damning of the two). The first covers far more than what you mentioned (planes, federal land, etc, with few or no exceptions listed):

> 4) I didn’t see you complaining about any of the hundreds of examples of shocking hypocrisy during the last administration,

Not sure what the last president has to do with anything, but you clearly weren't looking then. I repeatedly and consistently mentioned the last president was horrific in countless ways and never once supported the last president. so not sure what your on about.



An example of one of the countless trump criticisms I employed over the years btw:

The first one is me literally claiming Trump was the worst politician in US history.. not sure what else you expect from me in terms of criticising the other side:


@freemo @koherecoWatchdog the one you linked is primarily focused on travel, says it requires masks to be worn "in compliance with CDC guidelines" (which is not as strict as you suggest), and again the EO gives authority to heads of agencies.

I guess I came at this from the perspective - if you are complaining about this tiny non-hypocrisy, why weren't you complaining your fingers off recently. If this is a problem, your fingers should have melted down under the stress of complaining about every thing larger than this under the last guy. But I see on a re-read that you were mostly complaining about Biden himself.


I cant think of a single hypocrisy that Trump commited I didnt complain about. Can you name a few examples of hypocrisies from Trump which I supported or didnt mention?



Also to be clear the issue here is not **just** the hip[pocrisy, its the fact that he (as expected) as no problem taking away people's rights while at the same time not being beholden to those same restrictions. Its a double wammy from any already unacceptable EO. I have severe asthema and like many asthematics laws like this put our lives at risk when it is a common asthematic trigger. Despite this most people claiming medical exemptions are laughed at and attacked for not wearing masks in the past. So this law in my view is unacceptable even when i encourage most people to wear masks.


@freemo @koherecoWatchdog it's not a law, man.

There is a law that probably applies to asthmatics - the ADA. And this EO makes exceptions for actual laws. It requires reasonable accommodation - like, you can wear a face shield instead of a mask!


Yes I know its not a Law, we've discussed that already. Calling it a law is a typo, though effectively it isnt much different, if you break it on public property and refuse to leave you get arrested (likely for trespassing or some nonsense if they tell you to leave). So its good enough for me, what its called isnt particularly important.



Face shields have much the same problem for asthmatics, they restrict the flow of air and can induce attacks.


@freemo @koherecoWatchdog yeah, I'm not going to search all your posts. I certainly admit I haven't read them all. From his prolific golfing after comments about Obama's, his hiring of his family members after the his executive branch instituted rules about nepotism, his tightening of chain migration despite his wife's situation, his "we will not tell people about troop plans" then announcing them, mishandling of classified after criticism of the past admin, tolerating and excusing clear instances of corruption despite running on "drain the swamp", and of course his own hypocrisy about requiring mask wearing from staff then clearly violating even right after getting COVID... There were instances of these classes of hypocritical behavior almost daily.


I have quite literally mentioned every single one of those and criticized him for it over the years. so again, not really sure what your on about, or what any of this has to do with biden.. He has been in office all of 3 days, and has his first fuckup, Trump was in office 4 years and had many fuckups.. I can and will call out each of them as they happen.

The real question is, why are **you** so worked up about someone criticizing a misstep which you even agreed as such and what does any of that have to do with Trump, which somehow, mysteriously, is your main talking point in a post about Biden that Trump had nothing to do with.


@freemo @koherecoWatchdog because it is as if you are purposely blowing this out of proportion.

For instance - you keep suggesting he broke a law. Not a law.

@freemo @koherecoWatchdog I replied too slow for your replies where you address this.

The legality and likelihood of arrest due to not wearing a mask was the lynchpin of every one of your original post's sentences. The whole post was typo.


No the possiblity of being arrested **is** still valid. It doesnt need to be a law for that to be true. the way it goes down is you dont wear a mast to your court date, officer says your not allowed in building, you go in anyway because you will get arrested if you dont go to court, nor you get arrested for trespassing.

Law or no law if you refuse to abide by it and enter federal land without a mask and against any demand you wear one, you do and will get arrested.



You really going to sit there and tell me if you walk into a federal building and refuse to wear a mask when a guard at the entrance tells you to that they wont arrest you? Do you even live in america?



there are already countless videos on youtube of people being arrested for not wearing a mask **indirectly** because they refused to live a building when asked to if they wont wear a mask... So pretty absurd to think this cant and wont result in that.


@freemo @koherecoWatchdog do I think that if you walk into a place where the management decides you are not permitted to be, you can be arrested? Of course.

That's trespassing! You're not attested for not wearing a mask - you're attested for trespassing. Put on a mask.

Your example was ridiculous. A judge can order the same thing in a courtroom or parties would face contempt of court. Many would have already required mask wearing.

Some individual agencies also already required this at their properties. They've also implemented it practically.


private owners requiring a mask isnt the issue, I have no issue with that, while I would wear a mask myself if the space inside were crowded if it was a requirement to use the store then I would simply boycott the store and never shop there again, problem solved.

Federal land is different, it is public space and often a requirement to live life, most of the things you need to do in a federal building has severe consequences if you are blocked from doing it, so not at all equivical.

The difference between a judge potentially holding you in contempt is manifold:

1) A judge could, but also may no. If they did it would possibly give you a chance to appeal as well

2) The issue isnt limited to judges or court rooms, the DMV, getting your passport and a laundry list of things take place in federal buildings with severe consequences. Most of which dont have a judge that can just willy nilly hold you in contempt.

3) there is a big difference between a rogue judge or guard trying to tell you not to enter a place due to a mask, which is unlikely to happen, and being mandated to do so (which is far more likely to happen).


@freemo @koherecoWatchdog

DMV is state.

You're gonna be real disappointed when you decide you also don't want to wear pants and underwear.


People run around here naked all the time. We have an event once a year where everyone bikes naked all across the city.. try again.



I have one home int he USA and one in the Netherlands I switch between. I was referring my USA home in Philadelphia where everyone goes naked once a year and rides bikes.


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The entire top half of this image where it says "City Hall" is on federal land.


@finity @freemo @koherecoWatchdog Don't you know biden is our lord and savior? He can do no wrong! 🙄 Sycophants are out in force; well, settle in for 4 long years of these wackos falling all over themselves to excuse biden/harris' war crimes abroad and civil rights abuses at home 😬 cringe to the max.


Funny how I didnt hear this guy use the whole "Its just an EO it doesnt mean anything" excuse when trump was busy issuing them left and right.

I bitched about Trump's executive orders when they were bad (and there were plenty) and I'll do the same for biden. But 99% of people will completely change their narrative when the party switches.

the fact is, if you want to wear a mask, wear one, wear a face shield, wear a body condom, protecrt yourself anyway you want. But in public and federal spaces dont demand any of that of anyone else, you worry about you.

@finity @koherecoWatchdog

@freemo @anonymoose @koherecoWatchdog you didn't hear me give one complaint about the last president, and you won't hear me give one complaint about this one. And I likely won't praise any part of either either.

But I definitely don't plan on blowing things out of proportion in a way that misleads people either.

@anonymoose @finity @freemo civil rights abuses never need to be excused b/c the public doesn't care in enough numbers. Who complained when Obama renewed the Patriot Act? There was no widespread criticism, sadly enough.

@freemo @finity @anonymoose You need to chg public attitudes before renewing the Patriot Act becomes a big point of criticism. Biden will just go along with it b/c others will


Never once said he broke a law or even an EO, his actions were before the EO. I did say he is being a hypocrite by not behaving in the way that the very rule he passed a day later forbids, a rule that has no business being passed in the first place.

I called him a hypocrite that was to be the end of it.. browning it out of proportion is spending hours going back and forth about how i downtalk trump enough to allow me to criticize biden or some nonsense.

He doesn't even **need** to issue an EO to be a hypocrite, even if he just vocalized the opinion that people on federal land and in federal buildings should wear a mask and then not do it he would be a hypocrite... it really isnt a particularly horrific word and it isnt particularly hard to be one.


@finity @koherecoWatchdog

FYI for those in the thread who erroneously claimed biden was far away from people at the memorial when he wasnt wearing a mask... obviously not.


That live with him (which would be the only ones that count if we are talking transmission)... 1, 1 out of 8..


@freemo @koherecoWatchdog also, the Lincoln memorial is basically outdoors. The CDC guidelines specify that that's one of the safer ways to be mask free. And (at least the travel guidance EO) says to mask up in accordance with CDC guidelines.


Not when your a foot away from people, really grasping at straws to excuse his own hypocrisy. Its kinda hard to deny he is a hypocrite on this one.


@freemo @koherecoWatchdog I'm not denying hypocrisy.

I'm saying, you're blowing this very far out of proportion. Most would consider a photo at a nearly outdoors location with family, in an otherwise distanced area, to be a small violation of mask wearing-ness. And the EOs are not as strict as you pretend.


> I’m not denying hypocrisy.

My original post:
> My god the Irony and Hypocrisy of this new Biden administration.

If your not denying hypocrisy, and my original post was claiming he was being hypocritical, where is the "blowing out of proportion" part? You are literally saying the same exact thing I said


@freemo @koherecoWatchdog nah man, there's like - a proportion - and then there's like, puffing a story full of suggestion such that it's no longer in that.


huh? a proportion of what? suggestions of what? What are you even talking about?


@freemo @koherecoWatchdog

> I’m saying, you’re blowing this very far out of proportion.


We literally made the same claim of hypocrisy, i added no perprotion to the hypocrisy or in any way gave it a scale, so again, no idea what your talking about when you literally agreed with the exact thing i said in my OP.


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