@Diptchip yea but even at x2 the price of lead we are still talking pretty cheap no? how much does a pack run you?
Was about $40 for 150 of the good stuff. Will probably still get it on occasion. But now I don't have to rely on Amazon. All I need now, is electricity. I'm not much of a prepper, but I like the idea of being self reliant.
@Diptchip 40$ for only 150 pellets actually is way more pricey than I figured it would be... I'm guess lead is more expensive a metal than I thought too.
Really depends on where you get it and how much you get. I don't think walmart carries ingots and shipping aint cheap. I got 20 pounds for $20, from a friend. Got another 10 pounds or so for free, from another friend. Can make over 200 pellets per pound. So I should have enough lead for over 6,000 pellets.
@valleyforge @freemo Thanks for the tip.
The last pellets I got just about doubled in price. For the same price in lead, I'm pretty much set for life.