I saw a friend of mine's bottle of adderall which is for her kid who has ADHD, but the bottle was labeled "keep out of reach of children"...
Now I cant help picture her danging an adderall pill just out of reach of her ritalin addicted child saying "Sorry you have to jump for it, I have to keep it out of your reach, bottle says so", and then pulling it back like a cat going after a toy every time the child desperately reaches for the adderall.
There is a reason I am not a father :)
@freemo Luckily, Adderall is banned here (The Netherlands)...
But yea... if my kid had ADHD, I'd rather have him not take meds for it unless absolutely necessary...
It's so common here to get prescribed medications against ADHD and other "disorders" within the ASS (god, I still love the name) while it's not absolutely necessary...
They wanted me to take anti-psychotics, which kinda fucked me for a week (I became a literal sloth) then we quit and I still don't need em anyways.
@tn5421 @finlaydag33k
I dont think its that easy. I have seen people who were quite a bit more successful on adderall than off and it is clear that it overall improved their quality of life. Likewise I have seen people take it and not really show much improvement overall.
The most responsible thing a parent can do is if they see a child has a disorder and that disorder is effecting their life, and natural solutions havent worked, you try the medication, evaluate, rinse repeat.. an absolutist stance without actually exploring potential solutions doesnt help either.