I'm being told on Twitter that vaccines are safe, they are very angry with me, not joking:

@Coyote you’re doing good work🤣 I’d join you but I’m permanently suspended from Twitter. Every time I open the app there is this big banner that says “Welcome Back” but I can’t tweet and they zero’d out my followers and followed accounts.


It's just confronting fools with their own stupidity. When both had "PhD" next to their names, and can't support a single scientific claim, it mostly says our educational system is garbage. But we all knew that... 😂


Probably would help if next time you dont lead in with that hydrochloride stupidity. Yea there are legitimate concerns with the vaccines as they were rushed past the usual safety checks. But your other comments destroyed your credibility.


@freemo @Coyote HCQ works and is safe and many many deaths would have been prevented if it were more widely used. There have been epidemiologists and virologists saying as much. They’ve been kicked off of Twitter and YouTube.

@madmike @freemo @Coyote Yes you are right #hcqworks don't listen to scummo he is corrupt academic morally defunct, with god complex, works for government pathological liar as caught many times, just a human garbage that will pay at the end of scamdemic. Covid19 doesn't exist. Virus doesn't exist.
And if scummo says otherwise he can collect free money here samueleckert.net/isolat-truth- he won't because he is simply a liar.





Scummo could have all the evidence in the world and not be able to collect. Anyone who pulls the conspiracy theory bullshit that covid doesnt exist and hasnt been proven to exist doesnt know the first thing about the science of any of it.

@madmike @Coyote

@freemo @akeno @madmike

I know it exists, I've had it, still not breathing right. Got it last March, wish I would have got it now, when they know a bit more.

What's real though is, it's a rather small blip, flu sized so far, and I suspect more life-long damage than a typical flu. But still, it's no where near the scale they say it is, and until I see this data from our own country, I'm going to believe this scale is probably a reasonable representation:


Again citing links of other people who are idiots and beleive the same thing of you does not make the nonsense you believe suddenly true.

@Moon @madmike @Coyote

@freemo @akeno @Moon @madmike

I'm not engaging in this, but I may make popcorn. Again though, fucking paywalled content I'd trust, why does anyone just believe shit like this, flat earth, fake moon landing, Biden's under the control of the Q military cell inside DC so trust the plan, covid is a total hoax... Really, at some point, you have to go, maybe some real science out in public hands could help.
@Coyote @freemo @Moon @akeno @madmike

There is only one true academia, and like God almighty, it's infallible.
@Coyote @Moon @akeno @freemo @madmike

let's not forget Aaron Schwarz killed himself because of a life sentence for bypassing paywalls and providing free information from jstore, so.... God is kind of a dick sometimes; so is academia.


What, no he didnt, he didnt even go to jail. He settled out of court that if he returned the data he was free, and he did.

@akeno @madmike @Moon @Coyote

@freemo @akeno @madmike @Moon @Coyote

On September 12, 2012, federal prosecutors filed a superseding indictment adding nine more felony counts, which increased Swartz's maximum criminal exposure to 50 years of imprisonment and $1 million in fines.[15][95][96] During plea negotiations with Swartz's attorneys, the prosecutors offered to recommend a sentence of six months in a low-security prison, if Swartz would plead guilty to 13 federal crimes. Swartz and his lead attorney rejected that deal, opting instead for a trial in which prosecutors would have been forced to justify their pursuit of Swartz.[97][98]

The federal prosecution involved what was characterized by numerous critics (such as former Nixon White House counsel John Dean) as an "overcharging" 13-count indictment and "overzealous," "Nixonian" prosecution for alleged computer crimes, brought by then U.S. Attorney for Massachusetts Carmen Ortiz.[99]



Never mind i was partly wrong. I just rechecked and on his dirt attempt he was given a free pass and set free on settlement, though it appears he did it a second time and this time they threw the book at him.

@akeno @madmike @Moon @Coyote

@freemo @anon00110 @akeno @madmike @Moon

What was his search focus the second time? I'm curious. I think I remember, but I don't want to say it... (Global Warming?) Whops...
@Coyote @freemo @Moon @akeno @madmike

That, I don't remember. Was it really global warming?

I know he was an early Warren supporter.


Keep in mind we arent just talking about someone doing a metastudy here or something. He was literally downloading their **entire** database. By the time they stopped him the second time he had downloaded 3.5 million papers.

@akeno @madmike @Moon @Coyote

@freemo @akeno @madmike @Moon @Coyote

Yes, and he also brought to the forefront of the social conversation around publicly funded research behind paywalls.

He was and still is right.


Of course he is. I fully support his position. I am just pointing out that despite being morally right he is completely and utterly legally in the wrong.

@akeno @madmike @Moon @Coyote

@freemo @anon00110 @akeno @madmike @Moon

" he is completely and utterly legally in the wrong. "

Within the context of a corrupt Republic crushed under 245 years of bullshit democratic bullying legislation, yes, legally. System's broke though, just sayin'.


Sure, the law needs to be changed. At a minimum the law should state any studies done with public funding must always be released under open access.

In fact partly as a result of Aaron those changes were in fact implemented in 2013 (though they arent perfect in the way they are written). Any universities or organizations in general that recieve more than 100M$ in grants from the government to fund the research must provide open access to their research. So its a good step forward.


@anon00110 @akeno @madmike @Moon

@freemo @anon00110 @akeno @madmike @Moon

That's the best thing I've ever heard about the death of Arron Swartz. Going to have to read more about this...

I miss being in school so much. Every day of my life devoted to learning. What a fucking decedent existence. I wonder if I can get a grant for a small farm, to research anything, and pay for the farm, feed myself and family, and contribute something back... Like, seriously, I should look into shit like that, just, skill set is, kinda wack for a good match to that particular idea.


Actually the death of Aaron resulted in a lot of good.For example the "computer fraud and abuse act" was amended due to Aaron and his death. It is even called "Aaron's Law" (I am reading about this as we speak).

In addition the "Fair Access to Science and Technology Research Act" was passed as a direct result of Aaron.

Not to mention MIT made some big changes to their policies too.

@anon00110 @akeno @madmike @Moon

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