Derek Chauvin (The murderer of ) has just officially been convicted of murder by the grand jury, finally justice!

@freemo Justice my ass, what a grotesque, subhuman sack of shit you are.

@ChristiJunior LAWL, ok buddy.. i mean the dude was literally caught red handed murdering someone.. The guy was dead (or at least unconscious) and the man continued to strangle him for another 4 minutes and physically stopped other cops from checking on his safety... There is no sane reason anyone could side witht he cop on this.

@freemo The massive, hulking career criminal had repeatedly cried wolf and was resisting arrest. You don't take chances with creatures like that, and you can't just assume the idiot is drugged out of his mind and a physical wreck due to his own stupid choices. Involuntary Manslaughter at absolute worst, under mitigating circumstances.

Who said anything about relaxing. Once he was immobile you cuff his feet and hands, no relaxing needed. There is no excuse for strangling a man for 4 minutes after he is unconscious.

@freemo @coolboymew @ChristiJunior Good thing he wasn’t strangling him then. Video was released during the trial that he didn’t even have his knee on his neck. The restraint he was doing was even in the training handbook for the police force there as well. Don’t take drugs and resist arrest. Or do and become a national hero for some reason.
@coolboymew @ChristiJunior @freemo Even if she was an EMT she didn’t have her identification on her. Even if she did you do not allow some random person to show up and start operating on your pt. Those cops would of rightfully got fucked if they did that. “So the man died after you let some random stranger start fucking with him? Yes your honor. Welcome to jail retard!”

The cops were trained in cpr and shoukd have given it themselves, so in part i agree. But the point is thry knew he was dead and made no attempt to save his life despite having multiple tools (including their own cpr training) to do so

@ChristiJunior @coolboymew

@freemo @ChristiJunior @coolboymew How would they know? It’s not like you feel someone’s soul leaving their body. It is not their job to assess a pt and provide medical aid. They are to create a secure scene for medical personnel to operate or until medical personnel can leave the scene with the pt. With your statement alone you already acknowledge that it was not murder (which requires intent). The fact they are not responsible for performing a proper medical assessment as well as treatment disproves negligence and especially manslaughter. What multiple tools are you even talking about? Cops at best carry personnel life saving gear for themselves if they go personally go down. If they would of started some form of medical intervention and Floyd still died (as he would have looking at not just his toxicology report but also the status of his heart) they would of gotten fucked by that as well. Even paramedics who are off shift will fuck off if their is a medical emergency near them because one mistake could fuck them forever.


They know because the other officer took his pulse and said he didnt and after that chauvin stayed on him

@ChristiJunior @coolboymew

@freemo @ChristiJunior @coolboymew That was not in any video played by the court, but even if that is true, a cop’s job isn’t to provide medical aid in an unsecured scene. Even if what you say is true it does not prove murder nor manslaughter. At best you could argue negligence, but seeing as they called for medical assistance that wouldn’t work as well.
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