imagine enacting a :blobcatphoto: but quinn over misreading a grammatical structure

@icedquinn It wasnt about the gramatical structure, it was about the incorrect facts it inferred (which were still incorrect once you corrected your wording).

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@freemo i didn't correct the wording because it wasn't structured wrong to begin with :blobcatpuffyhuh:

@icedquinn Either way, your statement was incorrect.. there is no meaningful link between SAr-COV-2 and the common cold

@freemo i also didn't claim there was :blobcatpuffyhuh:

i said the ones we know about have a lot of mutations, therefore inferred they are highly mutatable.
@icedquinn @freemo From what I've seen, SARS-CoV-2 actually mutates quite slowly, certainly slower than influenza or any number of cold coronaviruses
@allison IIRC it mutates every two weeks but mutations within a particular lineage of viruses mutate slowly.

@icedquinn @freemo
@thatbrickster @allison if one wants to be pedantic, viruses mutate every host it just takes an unknowable amount of time before darwin scrambles it in to something much less recognizable to the immune system.

@thatbrickster @freemo @icedquinn In any case, most mutations are basically inconsequential. The "mutants" you hear about are just the ones that actually manage to do anything to distinguish themselves from their brethren


Actually coronavirus and all RNA viruses mutate **faster** than DNA viruses.. its just that recombination isnt considered a mutation so DNA viruses **adapt** quicker without relying on mutations (as in novel genes)

@icedquinn @thatbrickster

@freemo @allison @thatbrickster my concern is that like the initial outbreak, there are only so many cycles before containment is essentially failed.

what is the expectation? are they going to put everyone back in to lockdown every time a mutation is found (which there will always be one) until they can rush a new EUA and just keep people on an indefinite chain of experimental vaccines? :blobcatshrug2:


Two seperate topics here.. 1) the discussion around how likely and common it will be for the CV to circumvent vaccines and 2) what procedure saves the most lives when there is an outbreak.

To #1, we should be pretty good. Its always a crap shoot but even against current variants like the delta variant the vaccine efficacy is still very higher (88% - 93%). so in reality people are over reacting over it. As long as people are getting vaccinated they are pretty safe

As for #2, lockdowns were never an effective solution even before it mutated. We had contagion guidelines in place long before CV and while quarantine was a part of it, that only carried so far as to when the virus is in a isolated geographic location. All traditional advice when it comes to contagion suggests that once a virus is out into the wild that lockdowns cause greater loss of life and are not effective at reducing the total long term body count.

So considering lockdown as a viable solution has never been a good idea.

@allison @thatbrickster

@freemo @icedquinn @allison @thatbrickster I doubt all mRNA injections efficacy. There were literality zero controls. There were no challenges. I doubt their efficacy is even real, considering all the bullshit they've pulled with the trials and studies. with all the neurological issues, they really need to be fucking pulled a month ago.

Ivermectin is actually effective against CoV2 and it substantially safer than the novel mRNA injectables.
@djsumdog they did have controls if i recall, but it was just against a placebo and only for an "antibody response." they didn't have to do animal tests (required by nuremburg iirc, and general medical ethos) and they didn't have to prove field efficacy.

they also get every benefit of the doubt for some reason making everyone drag them through hell just to admit okay maybe actually the heart complications were real but only because we could find literally nothing to punt the symptoms on to.

@freemo @allison @thatbrickster
@icedquinn I'll have to dig through my notes, but they ditched the control groups because it was "unethical" to not give the vaccine to them for .. some reason. There was animal testing, but it was done along side human testing (weird and defeats the purpose) and they only tested Macaques (moneky/primate) and ... was it mice? They left out the other standard ones (cats and ferrets I think).

@allison @freemo @thatbrickster
@djsumdog i hadn't heard they actually passed through animal trials.

i had heard mRNAs failed animal trials in the past.

@allison @freemo @thatbrickster
@djsumdog @allison @freemo @thatbrickster i wonder if anything is going to come out of all this news about google and facebook getting caught funding the research for this virus and simultaneously participating in censorship of potential treatments that aren't experimental vaccines.

apparently even the press is in on it, since there was another anchor defect to Veritas testifying the networks ban hosts from interviewing anyone who uses a non-vaccine solution
@icedquinn @allison @freemo @thatbrickster People still believe white supremacists had AK-47s at Capitol Hill on Jan 6th and a bunch of people died.

I don't think anything coming out at this point really even matters

@djsumdog @icedquinn @freemo @allison @thatbrickster Too bad Ivermectin is not OTC. I heard that Garlic is effective at combating it. People really underestimate the power of natural healing herbs.

@xianc78 hilarious part is HQC is but only in some countries.

in the US even with a prescription the pharmacies were in on the scam. they just refused to fill them.

@djsumdog @freemo @allison @thatbrickster
@icedquinn @xianc78 @allison @freemo @thatbrickster You guys listen to the Joe Rogan podcast on it? They don't have the annoying dude from the YouTube one that got taken down and they cover HQC, Ivro, censorship .. was worth the listen.
@djsumdog no i don't listen to rogan but i've heard from other sources the messes they are in with funding it after ethics boards said the project was too dangerous.

i don't care as much about them doing the research as i do the ass covering after the fact. we know from Veritas that FB is circulating memos to ban "true facts and events" so not only are you not allowed to mention potential treatments as a licensed doctor risking your MD, but you're not even allowed to talk about legitimate vaers reports.

@allison @freemo @thatbrickster @xianc78
@freemo @icedquinn @allison @thatbrickster
>vaccine efficacy is still very higher (88% - 93%).
post some evidence for this. hint: you don't have any.

correct the CDC and WHO's crap numbers and you'll find that the vaccine is far more dangerous than the virus itself.
@thatbrickster @freemo @allison @icedquinn
registration required... if someone is registered and wants to get me the study i'll read it with an open mind

but i'm not going to jump through any hoops to find it


thats fine, I cant change the unfortunate paywall system research uses to fund itself. But yes the evidence is there.

@icedquinn @thatbrickster @allison


True but they have to pay for their overhead costs somehow. Want to see more open-access papers, push for more tax-payer funded research (which often means open-access).

Usually the people complaining about paywalls are the same people who think scientific studies should be privately funded.

@icedquinn @meowski @allison @thatbrickster

@freemo @IAmAWarCrime @icedquinn @allison @thatbrickster
well one thing we can all agree on is that publicly funded research shouldn't be behind paywalls
@freemo @IAmAWarCrime @meowski @allison @thatbrickster uuh, but the journal doesn't conduct the research. public and semi-public research is paywalled regularly? (albeit with some rather hilarious loopholes)
@freemo @icedquinn @meowski @allison @thatbrickster

Aye, I'm sure a "journal" (content aggregator) has such high overhead they need to charge $30/paper on public research (that the authors will often give for free if you ask nicely)
@freemo @allison @icedquinn @meowski @thatbrickster

I'm not attacking you or anything, I'm just frustrated at defense of capitalizing of free information


No worries, I didnt take it as an attack. I side with your sentiments, just pointing out studies cost money to make so someone has to pay for it somehow.

@icedquinn @meowski @allison @thatbrickster


The aggregator isnt the one getting 100% of that money. They have to pay back to the journal, which has to pay its peer-reviewers, editors, and authors.

@icedquinn @meowski @allison @thatbrickster

@freemo @icedquinn @thatbrickster @allison

if it's anything like the other studies they're using this slimy "x% effective at reducing symptoms" measure which is basically meaningless beacuse you can still transmit the virus

if a vaccine is highly effective the infection isn't going to linger and stay latent for any significant amount of time while you pass it on to others


its not meaningless, it just serves a different purpose that transmissibility.

Being effective against symptoms means you probably wont die and getting the virus will be non consequential. If the vast majority of people are all vaccinated that means having the vaccine will significantly reduce death rates even if it doesn't reduce transmissibility.

If you want to study the vaccines ability to reduce transmissibility that is a different measure and useful in different ways. Namely, if measuring the likelihood of eradication, which would be nice, but not entirely necessary to see some level of success.

@icedquinn @thatbrickster @allison

@freemo @icedquinn @thatbrickster @allison
you already "probably won't die"

as i said, when you correct the numbers for the overblown PCR tests and the under-reported vaccine adverse events, the vaccines are around 10x more likely to kill you than the virus

the end. it's garbage


Can you show me the paper you wrote that demonstrates those numbers and what criticisms it has drawn from others who had a chance to review your theories?

@icedquinn @thatbrickster @allison

@freemo @icedquinn @thatbrickster @allison
no time for your appeals to authority. this should be plainly obvious. the paper i wrote is my fedi timeline going back the previous year. the peers are anyone who reads it

have a nice day
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@thatbrickster @allison @freemo @icedquinn

even from the press release you can tell they're being slimy:

"both vaccines were 33% effective against symptomatic disease from B.1.617.2"

when they say symptomatic disease this introduces a very subjective and non-quantitiative variable with a LOT of wiggle room to fudge the data.

the press release language is ambiguous- both vaccines were 33% effective is a non-sequiter.

also 33% at preventing subjective symptoms? what about preventing ACTUAL INFECTION

pure trash
@thatbrickster @allison @freemo @icedquinn sends me to a login page. you're probably logged in with google or some other big tech spy cookie
@meowski I think the paper is either not public or taken down. Sci Hub is having trouble finding it.

@allison @freemo @icedquinn
@freemo It's marked as a pre-print so maybe it was taken off because it needed revision? I've seen one on the Brazilian variant but >hamsters.

@icedquinn @meowski @allison
@thatbrickster @freemo @allison @icedquinn maybe it's just all bullshit and if you take the vaccine against a virus that is 99.9+% survivable you're a sucker
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@freemo @meowski @icedquinn @thatbrickster @allison why don't you tell me how they tested for coronavirus in this study, was it pcr?

Also, why shift the goalposts? Your initial argument was against quinn's claim that this is already endemic and forever part of society because the rate at which the virus mutates will be faster than the rate at which we can come up with vaccines. This is a fact, SARS-CoV-2 is endemic, it's too late to do anything about it except find a treatment (Ivermectin looks promising)

Granted, your reply was filled with pedantry, grammar nazism, misrepresentations, misunderstandings, and bullshit, so I don't expect anything more from you.


Which goal posts did I set exactly? I dont recall ever stating anything about eradication.

@allison @thatbrickster @icedquinn @meowski

@freemo @allison @thatbrickster @icedquinn @meowski LMAO that sure is disingenuous of you, I don't have to explain what you did, you already know. And if you're ignoring my attempts at discussion ALREADY why don't you just put a bullet in your thick fucking skull :)


Not ignoring your attempts at discussion. Though i do know from past discussion you are incapable of being level headed and mature. So I put less value in engaging you to some degree for sure.

@allison @thatbrickster @icedquinn @meowski

@freemo @allison @thatbrickster @icedquinn @meowski Yes you are, you flat out ignored Quinns first points, you've done it before, you're doing it now. Why are you lying? Kill yourself
@freemo @allison @icedquinn @meowski @thatbrickster since you refuse to address my points I'm going to assume you simply can't.


I didnt ignore his first points, I did misunderstand them. It only took a few messages before he pointed out what he meant and I apologized and said he was right.

Just gonna ignore that part huh? And you wonder why i devalued your contribution to discussions.

@thatbrickster @allison @icedquinn @meowski

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