
All the idiots from Twitter University are coming out of the woodwork ont he case. My feed is filled with morons talking about "mistrial with prejudice" who have clearly no clue what that means or when it is applied. I really need to stay the fuck away from Twitter.

@freemo I cant believe some people think he is a hero and on the other side to think that when getting drop kicked and have a gun pointed at him wouldnt provoke him to shoot. I feel sad for him cause he probably did go out with vigilante justice in his mind but is just a child in this crazy world and so are all the other nut cases.


Seemed to me his intent was to be a hero. He put himself in physical danger to protect others and went out of his way to provide aide up to the incident. During the incident he did everything in his power to avoid shooting by attempting to run away and only shot as a last resort.

@freemo I haven't looked deeply into it but I get that sense. it's still pretty sad all together.

what was the ruling ? Im not on FB or twitter :D this is my social outlet here on qoto.

@twotwenty The ruling is that they have no fucking clue. The day ended with them needing to continue discussion tomorrow.

@freemo @twotwenty
> hero
well he did primarily spend time scrubbing graffiti with building owners and going around with a medic bag doing first aid. some of the people he patched up were other terrorists out doing violence earlier in the night. these kind of things would have qualified as being a good person.

@icedquinn @freemo thats fair, I was not witness. but from what I hear sounds like a hero.


BTW I'd just like to say that your effort put into quoting has reached a level of laziness that even I cant help but admire.


@icedquinn @freemo I think we should all be inspired by such thinking.

@freemo @twotwenty

People need to remember the context of the atmosphere at the time. Things escalated all summer and the Democrats were interfering with law and order. These ideological terrorists needed (and still need) to be put in check. Same for January 6th… we were witnessing an actual coup d'état in the United States of America! It was shocking… I clearly was totally in agreement with the sense of emergency. It felt like we were losing our country… and you know what? For now… we did!

@twotwenty I mean, he objectively is a hero considering who he shot. And in self-defense at that.



Ideally I wouldnt want to see anyone get shot, no matter what their past. But I do agree that the second they initiated violence they no longer had a right to their life or to be free from injury.


@freemo I’m fed up enough with the overall leftoid approach to the world, their one-sidedness, etc, that I’m totally willing to frame this as a matter of leftoids arguing that it’s murder to stop chomos from killing you because that’s what they themselves are. It’s totally just.



In that we agree I am complete fed-up with the one-sided extremism of the left. Where we might disagree is that I also am equally fed-up with the exact same behavior from the right.


@freemo It isn’t terribly extreme to support self-defense, nor is it terribly extreme to bring up who leftists argue against self-defense on behalf of. In this case, a convicted chomo.


@freemo @NEETzsche I have to agree also these words left/right dont even have the same meaning to many people how can we ever agree on anything now but divide?

@freemo @NEETzsche

I also believe in the right to bear arms but we dont have that freedom in Canada.. most people here are dead set against it and that is understandable. But letting an elite class of people have rule over the group that has a monopoly on violence without some form of balance or check seems lke a bad idea.


I am a strong supporter of 2A and a gun owner myself. I also agree with what twotwenty said, so i had nothing much to add other than a snarky comment :)

@NEETzsche @twotwenty

@freemo @NEETzsche @twotwenty
Yes, that's why I think America is still secretly racist, that's why we have uneducated people, because of these factors.


There have always been and probably always will be racists. The best we can hope for is that there are fewer next year than this year.

@NEETzsche @twotwenty

@freemo @NEETzsche @twotwenty
Yeah, and than these immigrants will have racism against Caucasians and the cycle gets worse.


Perhaps.. i mean we are seeing many people who claim to be anti-racist show a lot of racism towards whites... That said, honestly I find more often it is anti-racist whites who are racist against whites and most of the blacks and minorites are just like "shut the fuck up"

@NEETzsche @twotwenty

@freemo @NEETzsche @twotwenty

>Ideally I wouldnt want to see anyone get shot, no matter what their past.
...really? I think it's more ideal for pedophile communists burning a town down to get shot. That seems ideal to me.
@NEETzsche the narrative banks highly on selling the story that he engineered it so he would get to 'self defense' someone.

binger has basically failed to provide any evidence for this though. their closing rebuttal amounts to corncob literally saying "people take a beating sometimes."

@twotwenty @freemo

@icedquinn This case will not be decided on the facts but on the politics of the jurors.

@freemo @twotwenty


I think some jurors will be considering the facts but there will be enough jurors who stand on politics and stand a good chance of leading to a mistrial.

@icedquinn @twotwenty

@freemo i wouldn't want to be binger trying to refile the charges. the stream i was on today was talking about how the foundations of their whole narrative were dismissed and failed out of court already.

they went in to the case getting to argue to a jury the mockingbird approved "see he brought this gun just to shoot people" story and .. they're not longer allowed to do any of that.

@NEETzsche @twotwenty


To be fair the prosecution was so over the top that the judge slapped him down to size and threatened a mistrial with prejudice. So even the judge thinks the prosecution is playing games.

@NEETzsche @twotwenty


Anytime there is a gun involved it is, doubly so when a protestor/rioter is on either end of that gun.

@NEETzsche @twotwenty

@freemo >threatened

But didn’t issue. And I’m not familiar enough with Wisconsin’s laws to know if he can still offer a mistrial with prejudice in response to a hung jury. Or if that motion is still floating. Or what.

There’s a good possibility it’s too late. State laws all being vastly different make these questions murky.

@icedquinn @twotwenty


Actually he didnt issue it or dismiss it. He said he would hold his judgement of if it is a mistrial with prejudice until the end of the trial. So he still has not decided on that motion.

@icedquinn @twotwenty

@freemo That depends on what “the end of the trial” means in his mind, and in the law. For example, if the trial ends as deliberations begins, too late. If the trial ends after a verdict is rendered, or after other parts like sentencing, etc… well.

Like I said, it’s murkier than I think you’re letting on.

@icedquinn @twotwenty


Yea I cant speak to when his authority to rule on that motion will end. I am just repeating what he said in court really.

@icedquinn @twotwenty

@NEETzsche @freemo @twotwenty they've already got protestors outside the court house and are threatening witnesses and jurors so i would say they believe there is a credible threat of a not guilty verdict.

@NEETzsche @icedquinn @freemo feels like the human condition (psychological storm) is ramping up to be mighty interesting.

@NEETzsche jack prosobic's source, whoever that is.
barnes commented maybe but also sometimes jurors just say that to get out of having to give a verdict
@freemo @twotwenty


Jack Prosbiac demonstrated he was lying and uninformed when he made that claim. He claimed his source was a US marshal involved in the case. Problem is US marshals are in no way associated with state trials and even if they were they are never present in the room during deliberations.

So yea it was trivial to conclude Jack was either lying or just completely uninformed and lied to by someone.

@NEETzsche @twotwenty

@freemo all we know is "jack prosobic's source" reported there are two hung jurors citing backlash. (which is why i marked it 'unverified')

@NEETzsche @twotwenty


It’s super plausible though, leftist stormtroopers have been doing that for years now, and all eyes are on this trial. It’s almost impossible that somebody somewhere isn’t threatening to do this, the real question is whether they have genuine intent and capability.

@NEETzsche @freemo @twotwenty


Its plausible even though Jack was very clearly lying based on what he said.

@icedquinn @NEETzsche @twotwenty

@freemo @ademan the prosecution doesn't seem to understand how to go for an hour without breaching court conduct, so :comfyshrug:

@NEETzsche @twotwenty


Yea honestly the prosecution seemed to be acting kinda emotional and unhinged. At least, while trying to hide it under a thin veil of professionalism

@NEETzsche @twotwenty @ademan

@freemo i think they're desperate. they need a guilty verdict so people don't feel emboldened to shoot the next time agitators stop by the burn the neighborhood.

but their case is utter garbage so they have to lay on the pathos and pray.

their jimmies were rustled AF by closing though

@NEETzsche @twotwenty @ademan


That too... its hard to burn down homes and businesses with people shooting at you. So rude!

@NEETzsche @twotwenty @ademan

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