@pvinis You are welcome.
QOTO is a fork of vanilla mastodon with many unique features, as such we no longer track versions with mainstream mastodon, our version has no meaning compared to mainstream anymore. We pull in both new features and bug fixes piecemeal.
That said we do have a few features from vanilla that were newly added we plan to bring in soon, mostly minor things though.
@pvinis As I update the QOTO fork I do announce it. We are actually trying to hire a developer now to help out so I dont have to do it all myself.
@freemo is it this? https://github.com/qoto-org/qoto
@freemo oooh interesting. I did not know that. mostly I asked because I noticed one UI difference in the profile, and the following/followers/mutual.
thanks for the explanation 👍 any updates on the dev of the qoto fork are appreciated :)