I think I want to bring up a castopod instance on QOTO, seems it would be a better alternative to hosting podcasts than our current funkwhale solution.
@DeepGreenDesign I dont really use twitter too much... im not sure what spaces are.. we have lists and circles which may be similar, but i cant say for sure.
@freemo Spaces are a powerful tool. It allows a user to create a room to speak to an audience of users. There is a host, a co-host & speakers. Audience members can join the discussion. The Space also provides a repository that speakers can share links and resources. Similar apps would be Clubhouse. We have used these Spaces in Twitter to build communities and provide places for important discussions. I cherish Spaces. I hope this description helps. If you need more information, please, let me know. 👍
@DeepGreenDesign I dont know of anything exactly like that... certainly nothing directly built into mastodon... there are plenty of open source tools that might provide similar expiernces though.
@freemo Thank you. I will look around.
@freemo "Jam: an open source alternative to Clubhouse, Twitter Spaces and similar audio spaces" https://reactjsexample.com/jam-an-open-source-alternative-to-clubhouse-twitter-spaces-and-similar-audio-spaces/
I think a mumble server would be enough. I use it when I need to chat with my friend while playing Minecraft. Also use it to chat political things in China, it's encrypted and safe.
However, I don't suggest we setup a mumble instance for qoto. New service comes with new moderation requirements. Realtime voice chat is not easy to moderate, also hard for other users to take evidence and report.
@freemo Is there a Twitter Spaces-like option on QOTO, or plans?