@fikran why woukdnt you dk it again?
@freemo Some that supports the 2nd Amendment say not to open carry out of fear. But what is the 2nd Amendment there for if we're too scared to open carry?
I have heard lots of reasons, some make sense some dont...
Some say you shouldnt open carry cause it will cause people to fight against guns and try to outlaw them.. I say the opposite, people being around them will make them more comfortable with it.
Some say you shouldnt cause it will cause a disturbance, also bad logic.
The only good logic I heard is that it will alert a bad person that you are armed and may make you an early target and therefore make it hard for you to protect yourself effectively.
@freemo @Flatulenator sounds reasonable. But it projects confidence in yourself. I fail to be so confident about myself, tbh
Thats the beauty of rights. If you dont like them you dont need to exercise them.
@freemo I agree with your point, but, I personally don't think it is quite safe to keep your gun there. For example, a bad intentionated person could ( I could be wrong in this example) more easily grab your gun than if it was in your back.
Since I'm not American, it is possible that I'm totally wrong about where its safe to carry a gun.
Best regards.
@slimtux That is a valid argument for concealing it rather than having it in the open (not sure back vs front makes a huge difference though)...
My holdster locks the gun in place so unless you know how to unlock it you cant just pull it out.
@freemo I didn't know about this security lock.
If it really works, perhaps there is no real problem in carrying the gun in the front.
Thanks for the clarification
I only conceal/open carry if I'm going backpacking and it might not even count then because I rarely ever seen others.