I just bought a level-3 holster. I now have every level from level-3 down covered. If you were to **open** carry what level holster would you use?
For reference the levels are as follow:
level 1: Friction retention only (this is most holsters)
level 2: Friction retention, plus one locking mechnism (A button to release)
level 3: Friction retention, plus two locking mechanisms (usually a guard for the hammer plus a button to release the gun)
@freemo If I were in a position to carry, I'm a big fan of not shooting my nuts off. Level 3 please.
@Romaq one thing pointed out is if your gun doesnt have the right sort of safety level 3 may put you at higher risk.
For my 1911 though i feel the level 3 pairs nicely.
@Romaq You have tons of options, and its always a tradeoff between your safety re: accidents vs your safety in an attack... Gun ownership is often about finding an appropriate balance.
For example level 3 holster with a gun with a safety and/or not chambering it will certainly put you in a pretty safe spot... But chambering a bullet adds a good 2 seconds to your readiness too... Most cops are always chambered for that reason.