It would appear that the center-right folks have fled the GOP entirely and all that's left are the lunatic-supporters.

@LouisIngenthron Why would you say that?
Trying to understand your interpritation here. But 2/3 opposing Trump as their first choice among those who stuck with the GOP (what is meant by likely GOP voters) would suggests there are still a few moderates around no?

That said if they are center-right im not sure they even qualify as "likely GOP voters" and probably wouldnt be cited here. center-right sound more like swing voters.

@freemo Because Ramaswamy is #2 and he's a lunatic who's clearly following Trump's grift, but is much smarter than Trump. And Nikki Haley is, while better than the first two, still pretty damn crazy. And finally, you've got DeSantis, who has doubled-down on divisive culture war bullshit.
Christie and Pence are the only two that actually seem to want to govern out of the lot and they're at the bottom.
(Scott, admittedly, I know very little about.)


@LouisIngenthron Would i be correct in summarizing you as saying "Because all the top picks in the charts are loony toones, so clearly there arent any sane voters left"?

@freemo When the chart is "who would primary voters pick", then yes, voters overwhelmingly picking looney tunes means the party has gone looney tunes.

I wouldn't say that there aren't *any* sane voters left, because absolutes are never true, but I feel pretty safe in saying there are a lot fewer still sticking around then there used to be.

@LouisIngenthron Ok thats fair, and I mostly agree.

Id have picked slightly different wording, but its more out of me using words different than anything important to the context.

It sounds more like you are talking about moderate-right (people who consistently vote GOP but choose moderate candidates) not the center-right (swing voters who sometimes vote GOP and thus wouldnt be included in the chart)

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