So its done! I finally released a fairly easy to install (from scratch) Hugo based Static Site generator with full ActivityPub support.

It has step-by-step instructions on how to set it up for your own blog or static website.

One of the coolest features for me, other than having your static site blog posts show up as posts in the Fediverse is the support for interacting with those posts. Any replies you leave, likes, or boosts will show up in the "comments" section of the website on the page associated with the post. How cool is that!

Does it support CSS customization for the iframe?

@mur2501 You mean the microblogging feed that sits on the right hand side near the menu in the blog?

yeah on your blog, isn't that your Mastofeed github project?

@mur2501 no i didnt write mastofeed I just consume it.

But yes mastofeed is fully customizable with css as far as I can tell. Havent tested it though beyond the basic settings.

@freemo Ahh didn't saw the creator of the repo properly.
Anyway that reminds, what projects are you working on currently?

@freemo That aparapi website has something going on it seems.


@mur2501 yes i know, thats why im working on it :)

actually I would like to work on it, seems very interesting

@mur2501 Aparapi is one of my most challenging projects to contribute to. but also very rewarding.

It is also relatively active with a few devs and with my main company getting funding it will likely funnel some resources into Aparapi. So its a great project to get involved in especially right now.

for the documentation part where you try to explain JVM Bytecode I think preceding it with Dennis Yurichev's Reverse Engineering Book's Chapter 4 on JVM would be a good idea to make the doc more consumable for people looking at JVM Bytecode for the first time in life.

@mur2501 Please feel free to get your feet wet by submitting pull requests on the documentation itself.

Change in plans it looks like Yurichev has paywalled his open source book. I am confused about the legalities of directly copying content (with attribution ofcourse) :blobcatsadlife:

@mur2501 You wont be able to directly copy content unless he has released it to the public domain or under an open source license...

However if he did either in the past, and LATER paywalled it you can still use the earlier version freely.

@freemo Well my pirated pdf copy says CC licensed on the front (which technical means it is not pirated)
It is behind a paywall but the license is still CC

@mur2501 does it specify which CC license specifically?

@mur2501 Ok then he cant paywall it.. as long as you keep the CC license attached to his work, AND you use the same license on any derrivative works then you are free to share it and legally bypass his paywall.. he is allowed to charge, but you are allowed to give away for free.

what you suggest,
shall I just link this pdf directly?

(though in the longterm I was thinking to refactor and rewrite the docs in a more simpler and better way. but that ofcourse will take it's time

@mur2501 I wouldnt link it no... I would copy it to our server and link to it on our own domain. This way they cant paywall it or cut off access (which they cant legally do once they open source it)

ok, will put the pdf in the site source code

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