Republicans won’t make a 12-year-old girl wear a mask, but they will force her to have her rapist’s baby. Which party is extreme? It’s the GOP. #AbortionRights #WomensRights #BansOffOurBodies #GOPTraitors #VoteBlueForYourBody #NoRepublicansEverAgain


They are right about the mask, wrong about the baby. Bodily autonomy is sacred, no one should ever be able to tell you what you can do with your own body. That includes masks and babies.


The problem is that masks reduce a public health risk.

By this logic, Typhoid Mary should have been allowed to continue working in kitchens and infecting thousands.



Masks reduce a public health risk, and unborn children deserve a chance at life too.

But guess what bodily autonomy is sacred. You're rights end where mine begin. Just as you wrong to stop me from killing a fetus because i can do what I want with my body even if those choices hurt others. Same with masks, my bodily autonomy trumps everything else, killing fetuses, you getting sick, doesnt matter.

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No the other mother can do that themselves by choosing to protect themselves such as with respirators or staying in doors. It is not someones elses responsibility to protect your child from your life choices.

@freemo @DemocracyMattersALot Do you want to make a baby, fund a childhood till adulthood for 18+ years or is that not your responsibility? You are a man. You have no say and no decision if an "unborn child deserves a chance at life too". Sorry. Stick to your lane.


Do you want to make a baby, fund a childhood till adulthood for 18+ years or is that not your responsibility?

There are far too many starving and homeless children for that to be a morally justified choice. I would love a child, but ethics would never allow me to do that. That said I do intend to adopt.

You are a man.

Am I? Why are you telling me what kind of genitals I have. Stop making this rude and awkward.

You have no say and no decision if an “unborn child deserves a chance at life too”.

I mean I explicitly stated I support abortion despite any apparent right of the unborn child. So now your upset that I support abortion? What idiocy is this.

More importantly, regardless of what genitals I have, I like everyone was once a fetus. So as a person (like all people) who would have been directly effected by any abortion laws obviously I have a right to have an opinion.


@freemo @canleaf @DemocracyMattersALot Abortion is self defense against hostile invaders. Unfortunately the Oath requires not assisting in an abortion. Having sex with patients isn't unethical, it's a full checkup for some patients.

I do agree that it is unsettling when a Doctor handles one's genitals and has a smile on their face afterwards. It's the same with blood work for testosterone. Doctors should be brutally honest.

Also genitals and genitalia, it made me think of Arby's.

@canleaf @freemo @DemocracyMattersALot just ask him if it's ok whether his daughter or mom or wife/gf are ok with that.

That's when ideology immediately stops.

Every person I know of would think of "solutions".

@littletree @freemo @DemocracyMattersALot I got hung up at the phrase β€œBut the fetus has a right for a life.” The issue is: Life can be hard. Life can be unfair. Life can be cruel. Not everyone is born a privileged Dutch person with well running public transit and thousands of opportunities. You can be also born into a trailer park in Alabama as an PoC LGBT person with daily experience of rascism and little opportunities. Circumstances matter.

@canleaf @freemo @DemocracyMattersALot the person you're replying to is a smart knowledgeable person, nothing to say against that.

The issue is that, as you said, sometimes theory differs from reality. And politicians should not make laws to foster idealism, but they should protect people's reality first. And reality is that nobody wants that.

These are the same politicians that if their daughters get pregnant out of rape would fly them to the first available country to "find a solution".

@littletree @freemo @DemocracyMattersALot I worry about the side effects. Current legislations of select US states, Malta and other countries where rape victims must carry out pregnancy full term could kill women. The number of (PoC) women dying during birth has skyrocketed over the past few years. Rascism plays a role into this. We still have a pandemic. And children risk up to 30 infections until they turn 18. Climate change another. The societies failed to protect them.

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