I find it both disturbing and funny that people can see Biden stand up and give speeches like this, which is the norm, and actually say he isnt senile with a straight face.
Its quite obviojs to the world he is suffering from severe age related mental decline. The more the democrats try to deny this the harder it is to take them seriously in anything they say.
Haha no not a speach inpediment. Obviously the biden administratio has tried excuses like that. But if you go back to his older videos in his youth can clearly see he speaks clearly and without mumbling or forgetti g his words like he does now.
Yea clearly not a speach impediment.
As i already stated, the biden administration lying and tryibg to make that excuse isnt good enough.
If you think this lie is remotely true then prove it quite simply by showing me a speech of joe from the past where he acts as senile as he is in this video... ill wait.
Ive watched hubdreds of his older speeches, he shows none of the signs of senility or "speech impediments" he now shows daily every time he speaks...
As i said not only is it a lie that its a speech impediment, its a very obvious one you coukd easily disprove by reviewing his past speeches.
Biden has talked about struggling to overcome his stuttering as a child. His problem served him well during his 2008 presidential run when he was asked a question and he simply said "No" instead of a long-winded answer, causing the audience to cheer. But he was brief b/c of his stutter.
Regardless, stuttering is not a sign of mental decline. Thomas Jefferson was a stutterer.
You are right stuttering isnt a sign of dementia. No where in the video does he stutter, tbis is not stuttering.
Moreover the only reason biden talked about studdering was as an excuse so people like you might be convinced he doesnt have dimension when he obviously does.
Again all you have to do is share a si gle speech from his youth where he acts as senile as he does in these speeches slurring speech, forgetting words entierly, and looming confused like he doesnt know where he is... when you can show a younger biden acting just as senile as he does now then maybe youll have a leg to stand on... ill wait
There are multiple forms of dementia. Im sure your dad has dementia, the fact that bidens dementia and your dads are 1) presenting different and 2) likely completely different diseases which manifest as dementia should explain that
To disprove your assertion more objectively notice the Mayo Clinic lists jumbled speech as a symptom of dementia.
To quote:
Problems communicating or finding words.
It takes more than one symptom to diagnose a disease.
Trump has #dementia. He checks all the boxes (INCLUDING jumbling words.) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pTriLPQRDAU
Why are you linking me to videos about a totally ubrelated person to whome we are discussing. I said nothibg about if trunp is or is not senile, so how are you in anyway advancing your point?
Im sure you can show videos of tons of other people who are senile just like Biden is senile, so what?
No your not. If that was what you were doing youd pick someone diagnosed with dimentia in a clinical setting, confirmed by actual doctors.
The factthat your so intellectually dishonest you have the nerve to claim you didnt pick trump to make a political point but i stead simple as some ideal example of dementia is concerning. If you cant even tell the truth to yourself and others as to why you just mentioned trump how can you be expected to have an objective opinion on biden, whom you are clearly in favor of.
"Dementia" is a *cognitive* disability where one loses tough with reality.
It does not present itself as a speech impediment.
So now even the mayo clinic and entire organizations of doctors, know less about the symptoms of dementia than you do...
Yea we are done here.
Nope, but when you also have trouble with mobility, often forget where you are, act confused and try yo shake hands with people who arent there, confuse the names of people constantly, and when all of these things have larvely developed or worsened with age and are absent in earlier videos the collective evidence shows, undeniably, the man is senile.
Again its obviojs to moat of the world except maybe a few democrata
"Trouble with mobility" isn't a sign of dementia nor senility. And "forgetting where you are" while on the campaign trail is common.
Biden never tried to "shake hands with someone who wasn't there". That was a RW edited video where they clipped it just after the man he was reaching to had turned away, leaving him hanging. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u5YXP-NkTUI
The mayo clinic link i provided earlier, you know the one you thought was wrong cause you know dementia better than doctors, it speicifically listed mobility and muscle control as signs of dementia.
Again we aredone here, if you wont even bother listening to actual doctors and you think you can make up whatever clearly i correct facta you want to explain away dementia then we have nothibg more to say.
Please do not contact me in the future, science denyibg is not my thing and not welcome on my thread.
You've gone from a single video of Biden fumbling a sentence, to a diagnosis of dementia, and then accuse me of "knowing more than the doctors at the Mayo clinic" b/c I pointed out a single symptom can have dozens of causes.
You were asked 3 times now not to comment or respond. Reporting for harassment.
And no i provided many videos in my feed supporting dementia. This is simply yet another in a very long list i shared. Funny how you make wild assumptions though without even asking. Almost like ubderstanding the facts might vget in the way of you misrepresnting things. Funny that.
@MugsysRapSheet You also didnt simply claim a sympom coukd have dozens of causes, agai a bald face lie. You claimed stuttering and mobility issues were not symptoms of dementia at all in response to an organizatio of doctors explicitly stating they were.
Those two descriptions of what you did are not remotely the same.
I'm wondering now if frequent misspelling and garbled sentences are a sign of dementia.
You have yet to post a reply that wasn't replete with them.
Plus you posted, "We are done", then replied 30 seconds later.
Or a sign of just using a cell phone.
You were asked to stop contacting me. I am repeating that request for the third time now.
@MugsysRapSheet @freemo did you obtain your medical degree from a box of cereal? Trump demonstrates sociopathic, even psychopath tendencies. He sounds like most other authoritarians with personality disorders. Biden has clear cognitive frailty and may or may not have early stage dementia. It is evident he has periods of forgetfulness and retaining information which is a normal aging process. It’s questionable whether either are suitable candidates.
@Lassielmr @freemo@qoto.org
Thanks for the support but you replied to the wrong person.
Biden once said that "God’s gift to me was my stuttering.”