I find it both disturbing and funny that people can see Biden stand up and give speeches like this, which is the norm, and actually say he isnt senile with a straight face.

Its quite obviojs to the world he is suffering from severe age related mental decline. The more the democrats try to deny this the harder it is to take them seriously in anything they say.

Having a speech impediment does not make on senile. πŸ™„


Haha no not a speach inpediment. Obviously the biden administratio has tried excuses like that. But if you go back to his older videos in his youth can clearly see he speaks clearly and without mumbling or forgetti g his words like he does now.

Yea clearly not a speach impediment.


As i already stated, the biden administration lying and tryibg to make that excuse isnt good enough.

If you think this lie is remotely true then prove it quite simply by showing me a speech of joe from the past where he acts as senile as he is in this video... ill wait.

Ive watched hubdreds of his older speeches, he shows none of the signs of senility or "speech impediments" he now shows daily every time he speaks...

As i said not only is it a lie that its a speech impediment, its a very obvious one you coukd easily disprove by reviewing his past speeches.

Biden has talked about struggling to overcome his stuttering as a child. His problem served him well during his 2008 presidential run when he was asked a question and he simply said "No" instead of a long-winded answer, causing the audience to cheer. But he was brief b/c of his stutter.

Regardless, stuttering is not a sign of mental decline. Thomas Jefferson was a stutterer.



You are right stuttering isnt a sign of dementia. No where in the video does he stutter, tbis is not stuttering.

Moreover the only reason biden talked about studdering was as an excuse so people like you might be convinced he doesnt have dimension when he obviously does.

Again all you have to do is share a si gle speech from his youth where he acts as senile as he does in these speeches slurring speech, forgetting words entierly, and looming confused like he doesnt know where he is... when you can show a younger biden acting just as senile as he does now then maybe youll have a leg to stand on... ill wait

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