VOTING & POLLS - Option SHOWING who voted?...
Would you appreciate the VOTING in Mastodon to *also* include option **SHOWING** who voted in RESULTS (after to those that voted showing total voted etc AND USERNAME?)...
This idea is for optional group-only or public survey so it could be shown only to those that voted also or perhaps everyone (this would be flexible and up to poll makers).
If you have +'s / -'s / ~'s just reply to this or private DM please.
The idea behind this is about pooling people together - so those with similar tastes / work / mood for doing stuff can see each other and do it (right now or later talk slowly etc and to link across fedi's).
If you can see mutuality and interest from others and actually get stuff done (communication obviously first) then rather than messaging, email copies, hunting each other etc... a more willing show of hands... something a bit safer and knowing what might be more possible by voting / seeing what kind of poll it is / seeing others interested or already doing similar things to them / helping etc.
Please comment / DM anytime... Thank you.
MASTODON IDEA: VOTING IN POLLS + SHOW who voted?... To make contact with people and their projects after poll is over?
I would like to see this VOTING + CONTACTING idea so those who voted can be reachable.
Could have option to turn off (as a default and people could turn on if they welcome contact)
'Transparent voting' option let's call it in #Mastodon for people to be able to get in touch after #polls are finished.
This allows individuals to continue doing together from poll's pooling ability and relativity.
A way of peer-to-peer by allowing seeing of potential people or existing projects to contact.
Could be perishable (like after a week.
Practical idea no? I made a technical picture to show how showing how voting and finding relativity could work in real life!
You like?... BOOST!
MASTODON IDEA: VOTING IN POLLS + SHOW who voted?... To make contact with people and their projects after poll is over?
@freeschool generally it is not so good idea. If people have the same opinion, it makes them closer. But if tastes of friends differ radically it can tear apart.
Will you vote for what you really want, if you see that comrades already voted for another thing?
Do you want to see only the people who voted the same? Isn't it like self-limiting to an information bubble? Facebook and Google does it similar ways. They would recommend what you like and people you have something in common.
"Vote for Trump and we'll be together until the next vote separates us."
And another point is you begin with a technical feature. You don't start with a human need that has to be satisfied. And you don't come up with another variants to satisfy this need.
MASTODON IDEA: VOTING IN POLLS + SHOW who voted?... To make contact with people and their projects after poll is over?
@barefootstache @canwolf
Agreed. It's the understanding that is main part of what I had in mind using polls
- which is currently what the system doesn't do with people in asking more personally each other. (System now is even not asking anonymously questions like)
'what you think'
'what would you like next?'
and slowly we can do that starting from our own circle, the work we do and like...
Considering we are coming from this somewhat backwards society (or cleverly what the system has been deliberately cutting out at each stage / what the system hasn't been doing from 'efficiency' perspective, it's basically been cutting out us while doing what it wants.
Semi-organised with semi-automated mini tools of communication tools can achieve things better in and around more communicative leaders AND even the average person... and then keep adjusting from there doing both / everything since there is a partner for everyone I'm sure! Even finding one person + or - will help progress people's thoughts and project and reassess.
Eventually catering for everyone is this kind of peer-to-peer way and mass since there is plenty of us to serve each other... to provide better way to find each other rather than through uncaring people / uncaring systems / money-hungry platforms!
I am writing up my reply to @canwolf now - I admit do go on a bit longer but pulling some main sentences and having that as main document (something revisable) I think it can last a lifetime for what mostly will work to high % or satisfaction of many people (those who want to do and try),
And yes I agree also that even opposition is healthy, if people feel heard and acknowledged and not running away all the time / not hiding from differences that clearly part of humanity and being highly individuality. I believe we are usually heading toward similar things but have to got through the jungle of vocab and words, at the same time as focussing on just the good and the bad (alternating to maintain flow between people which serves in many ways)
Every individual and educated society seems to want and likes constantly this kind of stuff:
- direction / decision making /
- creativity / expression /
- understanding / human acceptance
- cross pollination / contact
- knowledge building / strong individual / confidence
- courage with others while being hard/soft at times personally
- learning how to say no
- practising the unknown (people)
- adding to healthy thought
Another message coming up soon! Thanks for you message!